Where Did life go wrong?

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Hi so.. This is a new story tell me what you think :D


Hey my names Olivia, I'm 10 And I live with my mum, dad and my 2 pet Gerbils. I have an amazing boyfriend the best friends in the world. My lifes perfect at the moment nothing could spoil it, at least thats what I thought. Here I'll go from the begining.

So It's christmas eve, I'm in the sitting room watching T.V, when I hear a shouting. I think ' It's just mum and dad again ', but this was different they were louder and angrier. Then before I knew it I heard someone running around upstairs and then the front door slams closed. I walk out slowly up to my mum and dads room. I walk in and find my mum sitting on the bed crying her eyes out."Whats wrong mum? did dad leave?." She nods I realize how different lifes going to be now. I gasp and fall to the ground.

Now you see what the problem is, I can never live a normal life again.

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