The knight charged at him without warning and to Max's surprise he was able to side step and narrowly avoid being cleaved in half by it's giant, black claymore. Max spun around swinging both blades successively at his adversary. It quickly ducked one and deflected the other with its sword.For a perceived eternity they fought, swords clanging off one and other with bright, hot sparks and flames. Max began to realize he may never get the best of his foe so he made a quick decision to evade and make a run for the shining emerald just beyond the black knight. Escape seemed the best option, so he went for it.
It took all his mental ingenuity and strength to deflect and evade the dark man's attack, but he finally escaped it's baneful grasp and took a run for the sparkling, green giant on the pedestal. He ran with all his might.
He was about to reach the end of this god forsaken bridge when dark shadows swooped in from either side. He skidded to a stop temporarily losing his footing and sliding under the shadows as they crossed in front of him, obviously trying to knock him off the bridge. The dark shapes banked around and came down in front of him. Standing in front of him was two five foot tall dragons. In an instant Max was on his feet again, crouching low, swords at the ready and waited.
The dragons danced from sharp claw to sharp claw, snarling, long rivets of hissing drool dripping from their jaws. Their hides scintillating and green in the torch light reminded him of his end goal, the emerald. Suddenly the dragon on the left came at him snapping jaws filled with razor sharp, needle like teeth. He ducked the attack, spun, juked around the flame spouting mouth of the other and sheathed his swords in one fluid movement. He dove for the emerald, wrapped his arms around it and spun a one eighty in mid air, landing on his back with a thud. He sprung up to his feet, emerald tucked under one arm. With his free hand he drew his sword and prepared to fight the dragons off.
As promised here is some personal info.
-I'm a huge comic book nerd, I've loved comics all my life. Right now is a great time for me as the movie screens are filled with all my favorite characters.
- I have one child, a son, Lucas, a beautiful step daughter and a wonderful wife.
- I am also an artist, if you care to check out my work, my art instagram page is @coreyfuchs_art . Its the best place to see it.Well that's it for now and as always thanks for reading!

Dream Therapy
General Fiction"Dreams have always expanded our understanding of reality by challenging our boundaries of the real, of the possible." -Henry Reed Ex-army Ranger Max was angry and depressed. Mental illness plagued him. Now he's stuck inside his own dreams with only...