Different For Girls

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Even though I am still slightly tipsy from my girls' night and should be going to sleep, I didn't want to skip out on posting the first chapter. I know this seems similar to Loving Cassie, but I fully intend for it to be different. Let me know what y'all think about the first book in my Red Mire Hearts series!



Aunt Rose shot me a questioning look from across the dinner table when I asked for second helpings of her chop steak, but didn't say anything, she knew we'd talk later tonight. I settled for loading my plate up again instead of partaking in the rather excited chatter like the rest of the table. Everyone was here. Sunday night in the Dixon home was reserved for family dinner, no exceptions. Tonight was really no different except this time, we had an unexpected -- and a slightly unwelcome, on my behalf -- guest.

Yates Draven.

The guy I'd been in love with since freshman year who also happened to be dating my twin sister. The same guy that had charmed the pants off of my entire family and had managed to wiggle his way into sacred Dixon bonding time with not a single complaint. Or, at least a voiced complaint. I had chosen to keep quiet since our Superior Overlord, Uncle Dane, had decreed he was "more than welcome". So, now I watching him and Tennessee coo over one another like they were in their honeymoon phase.

Sounds like a great Sunday night?

I stabbed the chunk of meat on my plate roughly and popped it into my mouth as I heard them chatter about a date. I really wasn't paying too much attention to them. I briefly wondered if my discontent could be seen plainly on my face but I figured not since no one had called me out on it, and if anyone were going to do it, it would be my ever tactless sister, Tennessee.

I was busy thinking about how it'd come to this. How had I gone from feeling bubbly and outgoing in my own home to not wanting to say a single word in the presence of not only my other half, but someone I had feelings for?

The day you found out they were screwing each other, Texas. A dark voice whispered in my head, reminding me of exactly how I found out Yates was into my sister-- the pun was totally not intended. It wasn't a particularly vulgar memory, but considering I'd been blatant about my interest in him for years, especially to my twin, it was enough to break my heart.

This is what I got for drinking four extra large bottles of water in order to keep kicking Knox and Stetson's asses at Call of Duty. My bladder was full and I had to pee like nobodies business. Unfortunately for me, my en-suite bathroom was broken at the moment so I made my way to August's, tiptoeing so I didn't wake anyone up at this ungodly hour. If I did, Aunt Rose would wring my neck when she found out that I'd been home for a whopping ten minutes. After emptying my bladder and washing my hands, I made my way back towards my room, freezing only when I heard the sound of a door being opened.

Aunt Rose was so going to choke me. My eyes screwed shut and I rushed to make up an excuse for being up so late. She'd ground me if she found out I'd just made it home from a night out with Knox and Stetson.

"I know I'm late! Knox talked me into a Call of Duty marathon and I couldn't say no. You know he's super persuasive! I'm so sorry, I'll take over dish duty for two weeks if you promise not to ground m-" my eyes popped open when I heard a masculine chuckle and the sight of Yates Draven, the guy I'd been so in love with for the last four years, putting on a t-shirt to cover the sight of fresh hickies on his torso. Words failed me as I stared at him. I couldn't string together anything coherent enough to ask why he was here, I simply stared.

"Uh, Texas." Yates began, realizing exactly which sister I was. Arizona and I looked more alike than me and Tennessee and our voices were pretty similar too, so in the dark we were often mistaken as the other.

"Oh, baby, your boxers," A familiar voice whispered as the sound of a door squeaked again. My heart plummeted to the floor and shattered into a million pieces. I stood there gaping in my borrowed UT t-shirt and stolen batman boxers, staring at the half dressed couple in amazement. The owner of the voice froze, eyes wide as she stared at me.

"Oh, X." Tennessee whispered, moving past Yates to comfort me. Normally, I would've allowed it, but it couldn't happen now. Not now that she was the one that hurt me. I wasn't that sadistic. Instead, I moved back while shaking my head, before running into my room and bolting the door.

"Texas?" I vaguely recalled hearing my name a few times. I nodded briefly and blinked hard, trying to focus on whoever was talking to me.

"Did you hear your sister?" Uncle Dane asked, his cerulean eyes wide with shock. I shook my head in response and turned to my sister with the full intent to apologize when I noticed the way Yates was cradling her hand in his.

Her left hand adorned with a perfectly cut halo engagement ring.

Engaged, they were engaged.

"Um," I began, trying to wet my suddenly dry mouth. "Congratulations?"

* * * * *

"Why do mommy and daddy fight so much, Ari?" I asked quietly, playing with the ear on my favorite stuffed bunny. He was dirty, ripped and torn, but he was the greatest bunny in the world because he went everywhere with me and enjoyed all of the same adventures. He even liked to hide from daddy with me and he always made me feel super safe.

Eleven year old Arizona softly sighed before pulling me tightly into her body for a warm hug. I liked Ari's hugs. They were nice. She was a really good big sister. She made sure we bathed, and brushed our teeth and even got clean clothes on. Some days, when mommy was extra sad from daddy's mean words, she would get up and take us to eat at McDonald's on the way to school.

"Because," she whispered so daddy wouldn't hear the three of us in the closet. "Sometimes people who love each other fight." I didn't like that answer though, because if you love someone you don't wanna fight with them -- ever.

"But, it makes mommy sad and then she cries." I whispered, my eyes filling with tears. Mommy crying made me cry and crying was no fun! It made my nose stuffy and my eyes all red and gave me the hick-ups. Arizona didn't say anything, but started to pet my hair. On my other side I heard a soft sniffle and I pulled away from Ari to cuddle into Essee. She was my best friend, I liked her even more than I liked my bunny. Mommy called us twins because we shared her belly at the same time and had the same birthday, but I'd seen the Olsen twins on TV and they looked alike, Essee and I didn't. How were we twins?

"You don't make people you love cry," I said softly, cuddling more into Essee's side. "You love me, right Essee?"

"Of course I do, Texas. I love you past the sun." She responded, sniffling again. This time she leaned into me and I felt her long hair tickle my neck.

"You'll never make me cry?" I wondered, pulling on bunny's floppy ear again. The sound of yelling sounded outside the door and we were silent for a while, we didn't want daddy to find us. Finally the screams quieted down and I heard Tennessee respond.

"I'll never hurt you, X. I promise."

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