Winter came. Well, it came in a matter of 24 hours, and in the form of two feet of snow and -6 degrees Celsius. The night the blizzard hit, Sam was at my house. Now we're stuck here together. What a (not) shame. Sam got bad anxiety because of their fear of being stuck, but I calmed them down and asked about watching a movie. "Hey, we can make some hot chocolate and watch some Netflix, maybe cuddle a little too. That sound okay?" Sam smiled at me. "That sounds great." I went to make the drinks while Sam picked out something to watch.
I came back into the living room with our drinks and sat down on the couch. Sam had picked out for us to watch The Vampire Diaries. Winter classic (jk lol). I grabbed the big blanket sitting by me (it stays there for snuggling purposes) and wrapped it around Sam and I. I lied on Sam's chest and drank my hot chocolate. Sam started playing with my hair, which was the best feeling ever. With the hair playing I fell asleep into a warm winter coziness.
In the morning when I woke up the roads had been cleared, so I assumed that Sam left. But then I smelled eggs. I went into the kitchen and saw Sam cooking up some breakfast for us. "Good morning beautiful." Sam looked at me. Their hair was all messed up and they had glossy, sleepy eyes, but still looked so good. I really do love Sam. "Hey, thanks for making breakfast that's so sweet of you." I smiled. Sam turned off the stove. "Well grab a plate cause it's ready. Also, I need to talk to you about something when we get to the table." My heart stopped. Is Sam breaking up with me? Oh God please no, I love Sam so much. Don't go away Sam, please. Don't go away. First we were stuck in the house cause of the snow, and now I'm stuck in my own thoughts, because Sam might go.

I found love
RomanceA girl falls in love. But, this isn't your average love story. Read until the end to find out the twist.