Chapter 3: Initiation

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   Mura walked over to Offender, barely able to contain her excitement as she unbuttoned his shirt. Once that was out of the way, she couldn't resist running her hands along his toned chest and abdomen.

   "You're gorgeous...." She practically whispered. She smiled as she felt his body heat up as his pulse quickened. "Such a shame to have to brand such beautiful skin..." Offender shrugged.

   "I don't mind it really. But you said I could choose where?"


   "My hip. Only those who will be alone with me in my chambers will see it."

   "Alright." Mura pulled his shirt the rest of the way off before undoing his belt and pants. She was so ready to do this ceremony.

   The ache in her skull told her she needed to hurry.

   Once the pants were off, Mura bent her knees so she was face-level with Offender's hip. With a blow to her right index finger, the purple mist from earlier surrounded it.

   "Ready Darling?"

   Offender practically groaned his response.

   Mura pierced the fine skin with her sharp nail and was proud that the Slender Brother hadn't flinched. With that nail, she carved the symbol of the number four within a circle as easily as if it were a stroke. Once the last line was finished, the brand mark glowed, making Offender's dark red blood to seem hot pink.

   "There.. The seal will not be complete until the initiation is complete." The purple mist from earlier slowly made it's way inside of the mark, twisting and twirling like that of a snake made of vapor.

    Offender felt a tingle of power that was as deliciously sweet as this treat of his he was going to taste.

    "Oh! I almost forgot!" Mura stands abruptly then makes her way around to Offender's back, her hand running along his waist on the way. "Now.. let's see.." she began to poke and prod at Offender's back with her fingertips. Just when he was about to question what she was doing, he felt his whole body shudder as his back relaxed.

   "How did you..." He couldn't finish his sentence, breathless as he was.

   Mura giggled as she took one of his many tendrils in her hand, stroking it lovingly.

   "I know more about you than you think, Love."

   "How is it you know so much about me, but I so little about you?" Mura giggled.

   "Simple. You can watch anyone from Hell."

   There wasn't much talk after that.

   They were too busy.

   Never in Offender's life had he had a woman please him the way Murasaki had. True to her word, at the peak they shared together, she shoved the orb known as Lust into his chest. Once inside, the sensation of their shared lust for each other was magnified to a mind-numbing level. Mura's eyes had glown just as bright as they had before coming to the room, and he felt all the power promised to him surging throughout his body. But, in his haze of pleasure, Offender hadn't noticed a black mist leave his mouth, and go into hers.

   He didn't notice his soul leaving his body.

(Sorry that chapter was shorter than the other two, but I really didn't want to write in detail their sexing. I prefer the vague method anyways. And, hey, I thought that cliff-hanger was a nice ending to a chapter, how bout y'all?)

Madness Of A Sexual Offenderman (A Creepypasta Seven Deadly Sins Story, Book: 4)Where stories live. Discover now