Chapter 11 (unedited)

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The next morning I wake with a terrible headache. I felt pounding on my head and in my ears. I was definitely working too hard.

I groaned as I grabbed my head. There shouldn't be that much pain after reading for three days straight. Okay, maybe there should be.

I sat up and realized that beside me, the bed was empty. I quickly showered and got dressed in shorts and a tank top.

I followed the sound of chatter down the stairs and into the dining room. Most people have left the mansion, but some still stayed.

I walked up to my table and sat in my spot.

"Good morning," I said to them with a polite smile on my face. I needed ibuprofen. And fast.

Everyone replied with a "Good morning." The one that stood out was Hades. "Good morning, princess." I loved it when he called me princess.

When the waiter brought me my food, I whispered in his ear, asking for medicine. He came back with it quickly.

"What are those for, sweetie?" My mom asked me, worried.

"Uh, I just have a bad headache. It's probably nothing." I shrugged it off as if it was nothing. But, in reality, it was excruciating.

I ate my food as fast as possible. I honestly just wanted to lay down on my bed and be lazy. Being lazy was a hobby I excelled in. As soon as I was done, I excused myself. I could tell Hades and my mom was worried about me.

As soon as I made it to my room, I collapsed on my bed. I suddenly felt a lurching in my stomach. I flung myself into the bathroom. I had enough time to make it to the toilet before I began vomiting up my breakfast.

Soon enough, I was dry heaving. I heard my bathroom door open and then someone was holding my hair and rubbing my back.


He lightly grabbed onto my forearms and pulled me up. I stood in front of the sink and brushed my teeth as he held me. There was no way I wasn't brushing my teeth after that.

When I was done, Hades carried me and laid me down on my bed.

"I'm going to get Asclepius. I'll be back in a minute." He kissed my forehead and was out the door.

I didn't get a chance to see him come back because the world went black.

"You think I poisoned her! Really!" It was Hades voice, but I didn't understand what he was saying.

"She had to have been poisoned last night and you were the only one with her." I knew this voice was Asclepius.

"I would never do anything to harm her! You know that!"

My eyes opened and I was suddenly feeling better than before. "He didn't poison me." Suddenly, everyone turned around to face me. My mom and dad were there, too.

Asclepius walked to me and grabbed my hand. "You can't be sure." I shook my head.

"I know he didn't do it. He would never do anything to hurt me. It wasn't him."

"And can you prove it?" I nodded my head.

"Yesterday I had ice cream," Asclepius nodded his head like he knew. "Hades ate it too. He actually ate more than I did. If he poisoned me in that ice cream, he would be poisoned too."

Asclepius eyes grew wide. "You weren't poisoned from food."

My mom stepped forward, confusion laced all over her face. "What? That can't be."

Wha... what are you talking about?" I didn't understand. There were lots of things that I didn't understand.

My mom turned and looked at me. She looked scared for my well-being. "Sweetie, someone must have given you a poisonous injection. Most likely when you were asleep."

My eyes widened. How was that possible? Maybe it was because I was so tired.

"But. Hades was with me." I looked at him. "Right?"

He sighed. "I was with you for some time. But, after you fell asleep, I left." He looked down. "I should have stayed." He was blaming himself. That was not going to fly with me.

I stood up and walked to him. My arms wrapped around him as I pulled him to me. "This is not your fault," I whispered in his ear. "You couldn't have known this was going to happen." I felt him nod his head, so I stepped out of his embrace, before pulling him to sit next to me on my bed.

I looked at my mom and Zeus. "Who do you think did this? Why would anyone do this?"

My mom shook her head. "I don't know. I just don't know. I really wish I did."

I looked at my dad. He just stood there, unmoving. Why wasn't he saying something.

"Zeus?" He jumped when I said his name. "Do you know something?" His eyes immediately met mine. He shook his head.

"Of course I do not. But, I will find out who did this. And they will have a lot to pay for."

I just nodded my head. I didn't know what else to say.

"Um. I think I'm just going to go to bed. Hades can stay with me. Right?" I looked at him and he nodded his head.

"Okay, sweetie." My mom came to me a kissed my forehead before leaving with Zeus trailing behind her.

Asclepius handed Hades a bottle of pills. "She needs to take these every hour. Every. Single. Hour." Wow. Okay. "Anything bad could happen if she doesn't take them."

Hades nodded his head. "Okay. I got it. One pill every hour." Asclepius nodded his head, and then he was gone.

I laid down with my head on Hade's chest. "Do you think the person who did this will try again?"

"I am not sure. But, if they were going to, they probably would wait. They know we will be on high alert." He looked at me and kissed my nose. "But don't worry. You're safe here."

"I know. I'm just nervous." I didn't want to be scared of being in my home.

"I know." He paused before continuing, "How about we go to the Underworld tomorrow? It could take your mind off of what happened today. Is that okay with you?"

I nodded my head. "Sure. I definitely want to go to the Underworld. Maybe I'll be safer there."

Hades sighed. "Maybe. Just maybe. Now, go to sleep."

I closed my eyes. I was scared to go to bed, but I knew since Hades was here, I would be safe.

It didn't take longer for me to fall asleep. And then, I dreamt of my happy place. With Hades.


A/N~ I'm sick so I don't know how much I'll be able to update. I will update when I can.

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