This is a collection of 'Journal Entries' from various Organization XIII member's journals for my friend FruitSlice's story Existence. NO STEALING. >>
Snooping Around: Axel's Journal
Dear Journal of Awesomeness and Fire,
Today Roxas and I went on a mission again. It was boring as hell. When we came back, the new girl Xanka was talking with Saix. It was funny.. She's hot.
Snooping Around: Superior's Man-Diary
Page 34,
My dearest 'sister' Xanka was introduced today. She is a spitting image of me, but I don't have curly hair. I only wish that those lower level Nobodie's didn't stare and drool as they did. It makes my blood boil. Do they even understand she is my clone?
I also overheard Marluxia referring to someone as 'Mansex'. I do not understand why Luxord and Larxene found this so funny.
Snooping Around: Luxord's Card Collection
Ace of Clubs,
That is a fitting card for the newest member of the Organization. Yes.
I almost lost at poker today with Marluxia. Thankfully, he didn't notice when I stopped time to look at his cards. Glad I did. He had a flush.
I think I'll go and polish my bedstand.
Jack of Diamonds, Luxord.
Snooping Around: Marluxia's Flower Stamps
I found a beautiful yellow rose in my garden today. It was very stunning. I didn't know I had a rose bush in my garden, though. Hmm.
I think Luxord is cheating at cards again. I would have won, I know it, but somehow he managed to have a better hand. I even stacked the deck!
Well, I had reason to be distracted. A beautiful specimen of white rose has entered our ranks, 'Xanka'. She's Superior's sister, although I highly doubt that.
Snooping Around: Roxas's Journal
Today Axel and I went on a mission. I didn't have any flashes of memory, although we went to Agrabah again. We even saw that funny monkey with the hat.
When we got back to the Grey Room, Axel laughed at Saix for no reason, although he was still chuckling when we left. All Saix was doing was talking to the newest member, Xanka.
I'm not a newbie anymore!