Chapter 01

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"I'm 16 years old! I don't need a babysitter!" I yelled, following my mum out the door, as she took her bags to the cab. "Emily, I am not leaving you here alone for half a fucking year while I'm in America. You were fine with this last night, why the sudden outburst?" She asked, her voice calm. "Because I was sucking up to you and being mature so you'd realise that I don't need some old person looking after me. It's lame mum. And I don't want to spend my whole freaking school holiday at home, listening to her talk about the 'good old days'" I whined. My mum sighed heavily and rested her back against the car. "Em, I have to go. I can't lose my job over this. And it's not some old, boring lady. His name is Harry, he's 20 years old and I expect you to treat him with respect."

"So now you're leaving me with some 20-year-old rapist! Mooooom." I was having a tantrum, realising that I probably needed a babysitter for my childish behaviour. "Listen, I'm gonna be late for my plane." My mum looked at her wristwatch and sighed, "I'll stay in touch, and Harry is coming over around 2pm. Please, don't scare him off." She kissed my forehead as stubborn tears fell from my eyes and onto my cheeks. "Whatever." I muttered. She sighed lightly and got into the cab, rolling the window down. "I love you." She cooed. I felt my cheeks heat up, she knew I loved it when she said she loved me, "I love you too, mum. Please be safe." I frowned. She nodded and flashed me her beautiful smile, the one I was always jealous of. She waved at me as the cab driver started driving down the road. I waved back, before she was no longer in sight. With a heavy sigh, I turned on my heels and made my way back into our house.

My mum and I lived alone, ever since my dad past away from cancer, three years before. My dad was a big part of my life, and accepting the fact that he was gone was honestly one of the hardest things I ever had to do. My mum was all I had left now, and I was always trying to show her how much I loved her. It's true, the saying "You don't know what you've got until it's gone." I discovered that after my dad's passing.

I made my way up the stairs and into my room. It was almost 2 and I really did not want to have to open the door for some geeky 20 year old man, babysitting a 16 year old. I started playing my music, more specifically 'So What' by P!nk. It was quite loud, almost too loud. I was expecting Mrs. Henderson from next door to come knocking on our front door, complaining, like always. But I didn't care. I was pissed off and music helped.

I started singing along, and playing air guitar around my room, before I was interrupted by a knock from downstairs. I could barely hear it, but it was there. I went over to my laptop and turned my music down slightly. I walked out of my room and down the stairs, hearing another knock. "Calm the fuck down." I mumble under my breath. I reached the door and swung it open, seeing a young guy before me. He was just about to knock again, since his hand was up in the air where the door was two seconds earlier. He was quite attractive, with his brown, curly hair, swept to the side. He was tall, probably 10 centimetres taller than I was. He had large green eyes, along with perfect pink lips, which were gaped slightly. A smirk grew on

to his lips, allowing a dimple to appear on one of his cheeks. "Wrong house, dude." I said quickly, before attempting to shut the door. His foot blocked it, before his hand opened it again. "No, I am pretty sure I have the right house. You're Emily , aren't you? The girl I'm babysitting?" He asked, his voice slow and raspy, as his eyebrows tucked together.

"You're the babysitter?" I asked, my brown eyes becoming wider. He nodded and smirked as he took in my appearance. "So, mind moving so I can bring my things inside. These bags are quite heavy." He complained. I nodded and moved out of his way, allowing him inside. "No need to show me to my room, your mum already did." He said, stumbling up the stairs. My mouth was still hanging open, as he disappeared. The only thing running through my mind was how hot he was. Was it even legal for him to be that hot?

After a few minutes he came back down with an unsatisfied frown on his forehead, "Now Emily, I am very disappointed in you young lady, your room is an absolute mess." He crossed his arms over his chest as he stood in front of me. "You went into my room?!" I exclaimed, my blood boiling. "Your door was open. Now, before you do anything, I expect you to clean that mess up there." He demanded. I gave him the 'are you stupid?' look, as I crossed my arms too. "Make me." I sassed. His eyebrows raised, sort of in a warning manner.

"You know, I was wondering why I was babysitting a 16 year old, but now I get it. Babies need babysitters." He smirked. I only met him five minutes before, and I already hated him.

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