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Lilian's POV ~Wedding day~

"It's beautiful. Why can't I get married?" Maggie gushed looking at my dress

Maggie, Isabella, Cheryl, Evie, Taylor, Maria, and Bryanna where here helping me get ready

Yes, I still have my friends from school with me. If you're wondering who Cheryl is, she's Evies' cousin. Who I get along with Per-fectly.

"Because your boyfriend didn't ask you yet." I said fixing the big skirt

"Ugh. I wish he did. I just can't believe it. You're getting Married to Luke." Maggie snorted

"He's my Night in Shiny Armor." I said

The stylist was nice her name is Lucy. Dark black, curly long hair

"Stay still please?" She asked trying to put on my eyeshadow "Sorry." I mumbled and tried to stay still


Walking down the aisle with Ashton, like those movies where people get married

Ashton mouths something to Luke and he just smiles.

When we finally arrived to where Lucas was, the wedding was starting and my heart was beating fast


(A/N: I didn't want to write all of what happened during the wedding so I'm skipping to the end.)

Like planned, everything went perfect

We walked down the stairs, arms linked together and people throwing flower pedals

Poor flowers.

We got to the big limo and went inside

"Mrs. Hemmings. Finally!"Luke sighed hugging me

This is what he's was wearing;

(I made a collage of it so, sorry for 3 lucases)

"I don't want to party, I want to go to the honeymoon right now

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"I don't want to party, I want to go to the honeymoon right now." I said and he kissed me. "Same here. I finally get to see you in the dress." He said looking at me

"I finally see you in your tux." I said kissing his cheek. "I love you." He said

"Me too." I said and we shared a passionate kiss

I can't believe we're now a Married couple.

"Same here." He said "Of course I did." I faceplamed

"Yeah, you thought outloud." He said making me blush. And the driver started driving


"Wanna make out?" Luke randomly asked me before I could respond, he put his hands on my hips pulling me closer to him "That is not a question." He said and twirled me around


"No." I joked

He pouted but quickly changed it to a smirk

"Really?" He asked and I nodded

He came from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist "Are you positive?" He asked and pressed a kiss on my neck

"I'm done waiting for a yes. Let's do this." He growled

(I'm not writing their make out session)

"I love you." He said

I wasn't in my dress and he wasn't in his suit. We where now wearing jeans and band tees

"Let's start our vaction!" He said

"But we have to change into beach clothes. I'm not wearing jeans." I said


"We now have a beach house!" Me and Luke squeaked

We put our bags down and let our bodies fall on the bed. Lucky I didn't get crushed by Luke.

"Let's go to the beach!" He said grabbing my hand

I picked up the key as we passed the key hanger

"Fuck. I can't run." I said and we stopped "No! You aren't giving birth now. Are you?" He asked "No. My feet hurt from those high heels. I can't run. I'm walking." I said

"Thank god." He said

He ran while I was walking to the beach.

He stopped to turn around and ran to me

"Fuck this. I'm tired." I said "Please!" He whined

"Atleast let me sit down while my husband is being a child." I said and sat down

"We sit for a while then play." He said sitting down next to me.

He wrapped his arms around me, tightening his grip on me and I layed my head on his shoulder

"Mrs. Hemmings what do you want to do?" He asked looking at me, making me look up at him

"I don't know. Spend time with Mr. Hemmings." I said shrugging "Who could that be?" He asked

"You." I said rolling my eyes "Oh, right." He said

Isabella's POV

Lily and Luke where now on their honeymoon...

I just can't believe they're now a Married couple... AND ISNT AN IRWIN ANYMORE!

I wonder what they're doing right now... probably making out.

"Isabella! Come here!" Calum yelled, I groan and go to his room

"What the hell do you want? Shouldn't you be writing songs?" I asked crossing my arms in the middle of his Dorr way

"Wanna go to Disney World? We're going to Florida for our own vacation. And we're partners." He said

"We're going to Florida? Disney World?" I asked and went to his beanbag chair "Yeah. I mean, if you don't want to break your arm, you can stay home..." he shrugged

"Shut up. I'm going." I said

He got up and walked passed me and I slapped his butt for saying that

"What the hell was that for?!" He asked rubbing his behind

"For telling me to break my arm." I said and he glared at me

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