A vampire's slave

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This story is currently being rewritten chapter by chapter.


"900!" A male voice yelled out, placing a bet on me. Oh how much I would love to run from this place, but I would most likely die if I did.

"2,000" A seductive voice calls out, his offer left gasps from the crowd. It even made me turn my head to look at him. He was a tall young man wearing a suit. He had messy black hair and gray brown eyes. He was a vampire unlike the man who had placed the bet on me before, and this time his eyes were filled with lust. I was more terrified then I ever have been now.

"2-2,000 going ounce, going twice" she auctioneer stuttered as he called out to see if any others would buy me at any price hight then that. "Sold to Mr. Zero" he said and slammed his small wooden hammer down onto its wooden platform making a loud sound.

Two vampires lead me off the stage and next to a demon lady sitting at a desk with many ownership papers. She gave me a smile, but I know she did not wish me to feel anything from it. The man who bought me made his way to the desk. He looked about 6'4" and not bad looking either.

"So you bought a girl with no talent instead of a slave that can do a lot of work without others help." The lady asked smiling up at my new master, giving him papers to sign. Ya that's what I am, a slave that has no talent. Did I choose to be like this, no I was born like this.

"What I bought her for she will need no talent." My master said and began to sign the papers, and completed it very soon after. "Here are the papers, now may I be off"

The lady took the papers with a sigh and nodded, "your never going to change Mr. Zero are you?"

Mr. Zero took me roughly by the arm and pulled me next to him. "Nope and I don't plan on it" he said and started walking away. Each step he took caused pain in my arm, ounce we reach outside the light blinds me. To bad the real time vampires don't burn in the sun.

He stops walking when we reach an STI, which was his. He let go of me for a moment while he was getting his keys from his pocket, I didn't waste the chance and started running as fast as I could. I heard an angry yell directed at me followed by a curse word, but I kept running. Past this parking lot was a forest, I didn't know where it would lead to but it was worth running into.

Behind me I heard loud foot steps of a man running after me. My new master must be using his super natural speed to catch up with me. He takes me down and forces me to take the full blow of the impact. I open my mouth to yelp in pain but nothing comes, all I do is cringe into a ball under him.

My master stands up and gives me a death glare, good thing looks can't kill you. "Slave you know you will be punished for trying to run from me." He said in a serious voice but when I look up at him he's grinning at me evilly, "and you might not like the punishment. Now explain to me why you ran"

I would tell him it was because I wanted to be free not a stupid slave, but since I could remember I have been unable to speak. My old master told me it was a burg defect and I would never speak again, but I still hope that one day I will be able to speak.

"Slave!" My new masters voice brought me away from my thoughts. He was holding me by my shirt"You will answer me by 5." He said and began counting, "one...two...three...four...fiv-"

"Mr. Zero!" The demon called out as she ran over to us. "I forgot to inform you about something important about your new slave." She said as she reached us.

"What's so important about a slave that you have to run all the way over here?" My master said dropping me to the ground.

"We'll you see yelling at her to speak will not help I force her." The demon spoke, "it will only kill the slave for how many times you will hit her for not replying I you."

"Where are you getting at with your rambling." My master said turning toward her, and I prompt myself on my elbow.

"Well you see..." She began taking a breath hopping it wouldn't anger the master anymore then her already was after she finished. "She is muted, so she is unable to speak."


There first chapter done, and the second one will be even more fun to right.

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