Chapter 15: My Make-up With Brayden

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~Marina's POV~

After visiting my family's goat farm, I fell out of my immortal depression. Brayden texted me and told me he wanted to meet me at the park, in the place where we first met, so we can talk.

~At the park~

"Hi Brayden," I say like a timid mouse.

"What's up Marina," Brayden says.

"Uh, nothing much I guess," I say looking at the ground.

"Hey, do you want some goat milk to from my family's farm?" He asks, offering me a glass.

"Oh my gosh, I have a family goat too!" I say enthusiastically.

"Listen, I want to apologize for my behavior, I actually talked to Lindsey, and since she was so hooked on me, she confessed to everything she said to you. I'm really sorry I didn't believe you! Don't worry, I've dropped Lindsey as friend! She wasn't nice, she was a vegan, and she didn't vape, but that's besides the point. I value our friendship!" Brayden says sincerely.

"Oh wow Brayden that's so sweet, I'll totally be your gal pal again!" I say, giving him a hug.

"Wow, that's radical!" He says laughing.

Then we have a radical picnic and play Pokemon GO. Brayden caught a Koffing and it was great because he is a VAPE LORD. (DO NOT VAPE EVER PLS.) It was a great day to end my immortal depression. I got to sleep tonight, with a determined smirk on my face.

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