Sometimes, when I get a scratch or a cut I put a band-aid on it even though it's not bleeding.
Sometimes, when a muscle or joint starts to feel achy I wrap the whole area in an Ace Bandage, even though I know I don't need it.
And then, sometimes, when I get hurt and there is blood gushing down my leg, I wipe away the evidence and ignore it. 'It's fine,' I tell myself, 'Don't be a wimp.' It will go away eventually, right?
Sometimes, when it feels like the world is crashing down on me and I have no one to talk to, I force myself to smile and say that, "I'm fine." It will get better on its own, right?
Sometimes, I lie awake at night and wrap my arms around myself to keep me from falling apart as my body shakes and I struggle to breathe through the merciless downpour from my eyes. On nights like this, the pain finally seeps through the cracks In my facade.
I'm fine. Don't be a wimp. It will go away, eventually. It will get better.
Sometimes, as I go throughout my day I stare at the people around me, silently begging for someone to notice and to understand what's wrong. When they ask, "Are you okay?" in worried voices, I can't tell them the truth, because I'm only human and I'm weak, and so I'm fine. I don't need them to ask of I'm okay. Of course I'm not, but I'd never say it.
Sometimes, I just need someone to know that I'm hurting.
Sometimes, I just need someone to point out the severity of the wound. I just need someone to come up to me and say, "You're bleeding. You need a Band-Aid." Because, I'm only human and I'm stupid, and so I'm fine.