The One (For Me)

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A/N I updated 3 times today, that's a new record. Enjoy.

*4 months later*

Dinah's POV

"Lauren's horny, why won't you have sex with her?" Mani asks sitting down on Tori's lap. I sigh and shake my head, running a hand through my hair, shifting around in my seat.

"Mani, she's 8-almost-9 months pregnant," I whisper yell to her, looking around the room a few times to make sure my very pregnant, very hormonal girlfriend isn't in sight, "Which means that she's in the third trimester, the doctor says that this is the time the baby's eyes open well they opened when she was 7 months but she's almost at the end of her pregnancy. "

"But what does that have to do with you not giving in to your girlfriend's sexual desires?" Tori asks, running her hands up and down Mani's legs.

"The last thing I want," I sigh shaking my head before speaking in a lower voice, "The last thing I want is for my baby's eyes to open only to see a giant penis head in their face."

"W-what?!" Mani asks in a high pitched voice before bursting in to laughter. "That's ridiculous DJ."

"No, what's ridiculous is my son seeing my dick going in out of his mom." I mumble lowly, rolling my eyes.

"Dinah," Tori says raising an eyebrow, "you do know that there are other ways to please your girl right?"

"Really?" I gasp mockingly, "I didn't know. Of course I know. What the fuck do I look stupid or something?"

"Don't be rude," Tori says then looks at Mani to finish her statement, "Eat your boo."

"Shut up," I say loudly and then smile as Lauren walks in the room.

"What the fuck is going on in here? Can't I get some fucking rest once in a while," Lauren asks angrily and rubs her eyes, "Damn."

She lays a hand on her stomach and begins rubbing around as a pain filled expression crosses over her features.

"You alright babe?" I ask in a worried tone, rushing over to her. She holds up a hand stopping me from coming any closer.

"I'm fine," She frowns, rubbing her stomach, "We're gonna have a soccer player as a baby."

"Come here," I hold out my arms for her to walk in to, trying to offer her at least a little bit of comfort.

"I'm fine," She says and pushes past me to take a seat on the couch. I raise an eyebrow and quickly walk over to the couch.

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"What's wrong?" I ask, reaching out to grab her hand, looking her over for any signs of distress, "Talk to me, babygirl."

"Dinah, nothing is wrong." She says and fakes a smile. She called me Dinah, I know something's wrong now.

"Don't lie to me mama," I kneel infront of her, "You can tell me anything. You know that right?"

"I know," She whispers, looking down at her hands, "It's just I feel like you've lost interest in me, am I not good enough for you anymore?"

"Of course you are Lauren," I smile looking into her beautiful green eyes, "You are more than enough. You are everything I need and more."

"Did you really just quote Beyonce?" Lauren sniffles, her eyes welling up with tears.

"That song just fits perfectly," I smile, wiping away the tear that slowly trickles down her cheek, "I don't know if you know this, but I was in a bad place when we met, you helped me through that. You made me better."

"I love you," I smile and lean in, pecking her lips softly.

"I love you too," She sniffles and pushes her head into my neck as I wrap my arms around her back.

"Why would you ever even think that I lost interest in you?"  I ask rubbing her back soothingly.

"Well, you never want to have sex with me anymore and you're never here," She pouts. I sigh and peck her lips, knowing I haven't been the best girlfriend these last couple of months.

"I'm sorry," I say seriously, "I-it's not that I don't wanna have sex because I do. I just, I don't wanna hurt the baby and I'm scared that if we do have sex, your water's gonna break and I'll keep going 'cause I thought that you squirted or something."

"Papi," There it is, I've been waiting for her to call me that instead of 'Dinah', even if that is my name.

"You think of some weird things," She chuckles, "But the doctor's said that sex can actually help with child birth, especially since I'm doing a natural birth."

"Well that settles it," I say and hover my lips over hers for a second, "Well have more sex."

I press my lips to hers and she groans, before pulling back, "That still doesn't explain why you're never home anymore."

"I wanted to keep it a surprise," I say and then shrug, "But, I've gotten a job at the studio. Right now I'm only an assistant, but in a few months I'll be able to help write songs and produce tracks. Plus I get paid a lot so you don't have to worry about anything."

"I'm so excited for you baby," Lauren says, I give her a pointed look, making her roll her eyes as she pulls me in for a hug, "But I'm still gonna help earn money. You can't be the only one with an income."

"I promised to take care of you," I tell her and kiss her forehead, "And that's exactly what I'm gonna do, no arguments."

"Fine," She mumbles rolling her eyes, "But I have to do something to help."

"All you have to do is love me," I smile, "And we will be just fine."

"I already love you," She responds furrowing her eyebrows cutely.

"Well then, it looks like you've gotten a head start," I smile sitting next to her on the couch.

"Why only a head start?"

"Because," I smile pulling her into me and slinging an arm over her shoulders, "I don't plan on leaving you. Ever."

"You are the one for me Lauren Michelle Jauregui," I run my fingers through her hair.

"And you are the one for me Dinah Jane Hansen," Lauren says, snuggling her head into my neck.

"And we are leaving, because y'all are sappy as hell," Normani grumbles standing up.

I forgot they were here. Oops. That's the quietest they have ever been.

"Bye DJ," Tori says and gives me a hug, then leans down and kisses Lauren's forehead, "Bye Laur."

"See ya Lo," Mani says and pecks Lauren's cheek and then hugs me, "See ya DJ."

They wave one last time before exiting the apartment.

"Let's go lay down." I say and stand up then reach out one of my hands for her to grab on to.

"I don't feel like walking, my feet hurt."

"Well I'll carry you then," I say and pick her up bridal style, carrying her to our bedroom.

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