Your blood is trailing at your feet, each step you take is an agonizing pain. Don't worry, you can go home, oh, you're homeless. Well, it could be worse... :>
Name: Harlow Rivers Gender: Female Age: 19 Sexuality: Bisexual Appearance: She has jet-black, shoulder-length, wavy hair with a side bang covering her left eye. She has dark blue eyes, and a splotch of brown in her left eye. Her skin is slightly pale, and she is taller than average. She is very thin, and looks sickly looking. She usually wears a navy blue sweatshirt, and black high tops. She has a tattoo of a raven on her left arm.
Personality: Harlow is very independent and introverted, and likes to be by herself. She isn't shy though, and will come off as fiery or sarcastic. On the inside though, she can be a bit depressed. She has a milquetoast demeanor, and is slightly dull. She is reserved and calm, but on the inside, she is a total wreck. She gets nervous easily. Harlow hates when people prove her wrong. She has a strong connection with animals though. Flaws: She is very stubborn, and a risk-taker. But she also is slightly sensitive, and I think all her flaws were listed in her personality! XD Bf/Gf: Open ;3 Pets: A cat named Psylocke and a dog named Texas. (Texas roleplayed by DuskyKat ) Weapons: She has a dagger in her pocket. Family: Jace Backstory: Nooo Other: Nah
Name: Jace Rivers Gender: Male Age: 21 Sexuality: Straight Appearance: He has dirty blond hair that is gelled forward. His eyes are a dizzying blue. He is 6'1 and muscular. His skin is fair. He has multiple scars on his back and face. He normally wears a black T-shirt, and a shark-tooth necklace.
Personality: Jace is very good-natured, unlike his sister. He is calm, reserved and low-key. He always looks on the bright side, and finds the easy way out of things. He does snap when nervous though, and doesn't like when people get on his nerves. He is slightly charming, but not good at making the first move in relationships. Flaws: Flaws listed above ^ Gf: Open Pets: A dog named Baylor. Weapons: A pocket knife Family: Harlow Backstory: Nah Other: No
Name: Raven Forrest Gender: Female Age: 17 Sexuality: Bisexual Appearance: Raven has long, straight blond hair with black dyed streaks in her hair. Her eyes are light gray, flecked in gold. She is generally tall and has fair skin. She normally wears a black sweatshirt and a black skirt. She limps in her left leg, and has crutches that she uses from time to time.
Personality: Raven is very weird and slightly insane at points. But normally she is down to earth and whimsical. She loves hanging out with her friends and is amusing to be around. She is a risk-taker, and likes to try new things out, which could result in horrible consequences. She is not afraid to speak her word, even if it's to the government. She LOVES animals, and will literally die for her pets. Flaws: ^^ Gf/Bf: Open Pets: She has a dog named Ash. Weapons: She doesn't have any weapons D: Family: Nah Backstory: No Other: No
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(Except she has one eye) Name: Psylocke Gender: Female Age: 2 yrs Breed: Munchkin Cat Species: Cat Appearance: ^ Personality: Loyal, calm, reserved, sweet, skittish, shy, finicky, very curious Flaws: She is stubborn and can snap at points Collar/Accessories: She has a pink, ragged collar with some info on it. Owner: Harlow Extras: Nope
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Name: Baylor Gender: Male Age: 4 yrs Breed: Golden Retriever Species: Dog Appearance: ^ Personality: Peppy, outgoing, bouncy, bubbly, smart, fun-loving Flaws: He gets really hyper at points Collar/Accessories: He wears an old red collar. Owner: Jace Extras: Nah
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Name: Ash Gender: Female Age: 1 yr Breed: Border Collie Species: Dog Appearance: ^ Personality: Smart, loyal, easy to train, trustworthy, faithful, hearty Flaws: She can easily get herself into trouble Collar/Accessories: She wears a bright, neon blue collar. Owner: Raven Extras: Nah