The Basement

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Guess what? I'm feeling generous. So, here's an update! 


I tried to not freak out a first. The basement was where all the bad guys were sent. I'd heard plenty of stories from pack members to know that I didn't ever want to end up there. Yet here I was. 

The basement was complete isolation at it's finest. There were no lights, just darkness. No companions, just loneliness. The basement was empty, cold, and lifeless. There was the occasional drip drop of water but other than that, pure silence. The kind of silence where you could hear your own beating heart.

And my heart was beating rather furiously.

Because being in the basement always changed you. There were some stories of people dying in here and being tortured but I didn't know what to believe anymore. All I knew was that in the basement, I was completely vulnerable to the darkness and whatever had possessed me earlier.  

Xander would probably come for me tomorrow, but I knew that was going to take forever. The Xander I had once loved as a brother was undeniably gone. That Xander would have never sent me to the basement. But this Xander had a mate and couldn't care less about me. I had threatened something precious to him and for that, I deserved to be punished no matter what. Once upon a time, I was precious to Xander. Not anymore.  

I was a mistake. If it weren't for me, Xander would have had an exceptionally nice life with nothing to worry about. If it weren't for me, Nate would have had a beautiful mate to love. But I had to have been born and the Fates had to pair me with someone. Nate just happened to be the unlucky fellow.  

It seemed like I had ruined everyone's life.

You did ruin everyone's life. It's all your fault. All you ever do is cause destruction and sorrow. No one loves you. No one will ever love you.

I couldn't find my way in life.

That's because you weren't meant for life. You were meant for death. You will be ours. Soon.

I curled up in a small ball in the corner and closed my eyes. But sleep never came.  

Neither did death.


I was a statue. I hadn't moved at all and the only movement my body got was from my blinking eyelids.  

I was wide awake thanks to the loud thumping of my heart, the dripping of vacant water, and the chattering of my teeth from the cool air. I didn't know how much time had passed because time didn't seem to matter. Nothing seemed to matter except the darkness swallowing me in the basement. Now I knew why it was used as punishment and I was glad I got to experience it.  

There was no real torture than complete isolation.


Someone opened the door to the basement. I knew this because a thin stream of light broke through all the darkness. Footsteps slowly came down the stairs and then someone was in front of me. I kept my eyes glued to their jean-clad legs.

"Lily. Get up." It was Nick.

I would not show weakness. I stood up and only then did I feel my muscles burning and tingling in pain. Blood rushed to my legs and I took a small step forward.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Nick asked.

I ignored him. Stepping past him, I went up the stairs and entered the house again. The light and warm air hurt. But I managed to trudge up to my room and lock myself in darkness once again.



It's a short update, I know. But, like I said, I was feeling generous and just gave it a go :) 

I might even feel generous again and give you another update today. Who knows? ;)

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