Chapter 12 (Fida POV)
{Not edited}
continuation from chapter 4Read back to that chap if you are little out of this book
------------------------------------------------*the next day*
My parents arrived at 10 in the morning. None was at home expect Irfan and I. I hugged my mother before sitting on the sofa.
"I have brought the wedding photos and certificate." My father went straight to the point.
I look through it. Even Irfan showed me his copy. I still couldn't understand. What if this all fake? You should stop reading those books online! My inner voice advised me.
"If this is true, why hide the fact that Irfan and I are married? What you all trying to hide from me?" I questioned them.
"We are not trying to hide anything Fida," my mother assured me.
"Then what? Is, I being married and totally forget about it, a joke to you all?" I said suppressing my anger.
"No, it's not like that. Of course, we want you to know about it. But the doctor told us to not say anything and let you remember them by yourself. It will give you extra pain or something!" Mother explained.
"How am I supposed remember them by myself when none of you helped? I don't know. Give a hint or something."
"We are really sorry Fida. I don't want to risk your health for our marriage. And I wasn't well either. I needed time to recover and get back on track. I'm working on that. I don't know. I was planning after I settled maybe then I could help you." Irfan answered.
I don't know what to say at this point of time actually. Me? Married? Why? I have so many questions. My marriage still counts? What should I do now? Ya Allah!
What if I'm being played? They set up this whole thing to make my life miserable maybe.
I quickly went to nearby to take a breath. Very long nice breath. I can't give in easily. They might be playing this whole thing. I decided to conduct my own test on them.
When I went out Irfan was standing with a bag. My parents were by the door getting ready to leave.
"What's going on?" I asked totally confused.
"We can't stay here. This is uncle's place. We are moving to our apartment. I don't want to pressure you with relatives." Irfan answered.
"What? I'm not coming with you. I'm going back with my parents."
"Fida, don't make this any harder. I told him it will be the best for you. Maybe holding back of your rights is wrong but we did what we thought could be helpful for you. Now you know that you are married, there is nothing else we are hiding from you. Might as well as staying with him can help with your memories even better!" My father explained.
"So now I can't even go to my house?" I asked Irfan directly.
He sighed.
"No, we are going to your parent's house and get your things and moving them back to our apartment. But we can stay at your parents' for a while."
I nodded. I went towards my parent's car, slide into the back seat and lay down.
It took hours to reach home. Before getting down I tied my scarf around my head properly. It took another minute for Irfan to park at the garage. I went inside and lay down on the sofa again. The long ride still taking a toll on me.
"Fida. Fida! Get up! What are you doing?" My mother asked me.
"My head is spinning. So I lay down. Don't worry. I'm ok."
"Then get up and sleep in your room, after setting up the guest room for Irfan" my mother informed me.
"Why me?" I whined.
"Unless you want him to stay in your room.." my mother trailed off.
"No no no! I will happily set up the guest room for our lovely guest" I replied hurriedly and ran to a nearby by room.
Irfan speed walked behind me. I then only realise I ran to my own room. There is no big difference between my room and the guest rooms except for the cover sheet. I didn't bother to decorate my room so it is pretty much at its default.
"Uh get out," I told him, trying real hard not to shout. He had enough shouting from me to last him for a while.
"What? Why? Aunt told me to follow you"
"Follow me to the guest room not my room" I stated awkwardly.
"Oh. Oh!! Ok sorry sorry" he said picking up his bag and backed away.
After he moved some distance I went to the opposite room and set the room for him. There was not much work.
"Your bed is set. Washroom is outside. So I leave you to it." I said before sliding off.
I'm sliding a lot lately. Anyway, after that, I went to my room and took a nap.
"Fida! Wake up" my mother said.
"You are burning! Get up and take your medicine!"
"Uh what?" I said opening my eyes.
"It's lunch time Fida. You need to take this medicine. After that go call up Irfan. I'm busy in kitchen."
"Ah? Why me? I'm not supposed to talk to opposite gender remember?"
"Fida! He is your husband. So go call him up!" She said.
I made a grimace face. I took a scarf and put it on my head. I didn't bother making up the bed and went to the guest room.
"Knock knock! lunch is ready!" I said with a fake enthusiasm.
"What's for lunch?" He asked opening the door.
"How am I suppose to know? Go to the dining table and figure out yourself!"
"Ugh fine. And by the way you don't have to wrap your head around me."
"It's called being modest.."
"Then start with your clothes!" He said eyeing me.
I was wearing a plain t-shirt with a pair of night pants.
"There is nothing wrong with my clothes."
"You are wearing 3/4 pants."
"It's just little above the ankle!"
"Well suit yourself! I'm outta here! My mom's (mother in law) food calling me" he said running to the dining table.
"You don't get to call her mom you little whatever bad thing you are!" I shouted running after him.
He is so dead!!!
So how is this chapter, this book so far?
Any questions?
I'll be back when I'm back!

RomanceA state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream. Everyone dreams. A dream can be a happy, pleasant one or a scary, nightmarish one. But don't we all look forward to having a reverie? Don't we all wish we could remain in a state of rev...