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"So I got a first three questions huh? Neat! Well here goes nothing

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"So I got a first three questions huh? Neat! Well here goes nothing. It's from...Ashley_Kosaka ?!? Is she... No, I must be hallucinating! Let me look again... Hmm.... hmmmmm...."

"It really is her! What the heck is she doing, asking me again? But she never ask me these questions

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"It really is her! What the heck is she doing, asking me again? But she never ask me these questions... Guess I have to answer it then."

1. Why do you hate Lief?

"Pfft!! Me? Hate Lief? No way! How could someone like me, hate lief?"

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"Pfft!! Me? Hate Lief? No way! How could someone like me, hate lief?"

"Pfft!! Me? Hate Lief? No way! How could someone like me, hate lief?"

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"Urgh fine, if you really want me to answer that, yeah, I hate him. First of all, because of his gullible, and too self righteous. He also thinks that he is a good guy, but come on, he's not really a good guy, even he is now a king. And also, it makes me want to bluff Lief, even torture."

"Remember the episode 48 of Deltora Quest? Well, that's why I addressed him as "stupid king" because of his royalty, like he did when he almost fell from the stairs in kingdom of Del

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"Remember the episode 48 of Deltora Quest? Well, that's why I addressed him as "stupid king" because of his royalty, like he did when he almost fell from the stairs in kingdom of Del. Welp, that's a pretty long answer. Move to second!"

2. Do you prefer a dagger or a bow?

"I mostly spend times with using dayger than a bow, but both of them aren't my interest, since that is just a cover up for my identity as a servant back then

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"I mostly spend times with using dayger than a bow, but both of them aren't my interest, since that is just a cover up for my identity as a servant back then. To be honest, I like one-handed sword, with high STR and speed status."

3. Can you show us your best smirk?
"Nice question, let me set my face up."

"How's it? Pretty cool, right? This is my previous smirk back in episode 48, when I gave Lief some insult advise

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"How's it? Pretty cool, right? This is my previous smirk back in episode 48, when I gave Lief some insult advise. Hehe..." >:)

"Well, that's for today then

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"Well, that's for today then. Ask me anytime, just insert to the message box and I'll answered it back to you again. Thanks for today, twig."

Ask Dain of Deltora QuestWhere stories live. Discover now