Oh Lord I Actually Wrote This...

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So I found one of my first classic rock meets Ocs and I had to share it this was from two years ago I was really I mean really obsessed with Led Zeppelin hehe excuse my writing style I was making it kinda like a script it's how I first started writing stories.  I find it kinda funny and kinda lame but then again I'm the author and not a arrogant one so I just am never satisfied with my stories,  and now I'm rambling sorry okay I'm gonna shut up now here's the story...

{The date is when I saved it, it was written in 2014}

Autumn: Let's go meet the bands!
Tempest: Are you sure we're allowed back there?
Autumn: Who cares! Come on, don't you wanna meet Bowie?
Tempest: Wait, he's back there?! What the hell are we waiting for! Onward!! *dragging Autumn behind her*
Autumn: *smirks*
Tempest: Bowie? Bowie? Where is Bowie?... Ah found him with Iggy Pop no less!! ZIGGY!!! IGGY!!!
Bowie: *looks confused* Do you know her?
Iggy: No, but I want to, she's gorgeous. Hey Babe!! *waves*
Bowie: You're right she is beautiful. *waves*
Tempest: I'm gonna go can I trust you to behave yourself while I'm gone?
Autumn: I am not a child!! Of course I can behave, but I'm not promising that I won't try to misbehave...
Tempest: I don't doubt it just stay away from the booze..
Autumn: Who are you my mother?!
Tempest: Autumn...
Autumn: Yes Mom... *smirks*
Tempest: *throws up arms in defeat and leaves*
Autumn: Finally now where to get some alcohol... *looks around* Ah there you are... *humming* Alcohol, alcohol, here I come my dear alcohol.. *not paying attention and bumps into someone*
Stranger: Oh sorry wasn't watching my surroundings are you okay love?
Autumn: Oh no its my fault--- *gets wide eyed*
Stranger: Are you alright?
Stranger 2: I think she's gone into a bit of shock...
Stranger 3: This always happens every single time you make an entrance the birds become speechless...At least she hasn't fainted... yet...
Stranger 2: It happens to all of us...
Stranger 4: What did you two do?!
Stranger 1: I clearly bumped into her and apologised and she just zoned out...
Stranger 2: He frightened the poor little bird...
Autumn: Holy Shit!!!
Stranger 2: For such a little bird she sure has a big mouth on her...
Autumn: You guys are--
Stranger 2: Led Zeppelin, love and who might you be?
Autumn: A-Autumn...
Stranger 1: What a nice name for a young bird...
Autumn: I'm named after my wiccan ancestor....
Stranger 1: Wiccan so you study Magick?
Autumn: Sometimes I'm more into the spiritual world.
Stranger 1: Interesting
Autumn: And I am not young!!
Stranger 2: But you're such a tiny thing...
Autumn: I'm short for my age and I get it from my mom...
Stranger 1: Is she a dwarf?
Autumn: Actually I think she's hobbit sized...
Stranger 2: See I told you they exist!
Autumn: She's not a hobbit she's hobbit sized..
Stranger 3: Hey Jonesy look over there...
Jonesy: What is it Bonzo?
Bonzo: The Who are here too
Autumn: *gets wide eyed*
Stranger 1: We lost her again!
Stranger 2: Wonder who's caught her eye this time *looks over* Autumn: *squeaks out* The Ramones are here too?
Stranger 2: Of course they are everyone is I think its some sort of charity show...I'm surprise you know who they are they aren't too well known...
Autumn: Really?
Stranger 1: Would you like to go meet them?
Autumn: *eyes blow wide open* M-Meet them?! You mean--
Stranger 2: Hold on a tick. *walks away*
Autumn: What the fuck is he doing?!
Stranger 1: *chuckles* Being Percy that's what he's doing.
Stranger 2: *walks back with Joey* Here you are little bird as you asked. *smiles*
Autumn: I didn't say anything!!
Joey: Boy I'm gonna here an earful later... *looks at Autumn*
Autumn: *wide eyed*
Joey: Who's the kid?
Autumn: *looks at her feet* A-Autumn...
Joey: What's wrong kid? I think she's shy....
Autumn: *looks up* I am very because I'm in the presence of greatness! And I'm not a kid I'm an adult!
Joey: *looks at the guys*
Stranger 1: She is.
Joey: She's so short... But in a good way ya know she's not like those really tall girls could you imagine a girl being taller than you?
Stranger 1: If we found any birds taller than you I'd be down right terrified yet intrigued.
Joey: *laughs* I'd be scared.... if she got mad she'd probably squish you with her King Kong feet. *chuckles*
Autumn: Hehe I'm funsized!
Everyone: *chuckles at the comment*
Dee Dee: There you are Joey, we were wonderin' where ya went....Who's the girl??
Joey: Autumn, she's cool.
Autumn: *wide eyed*
Stranger 2: The saga continues!!!
Dee Dee: What's wrong with her?
Joey: I think you broke her.
Dee Dee: Nah I--
Johnny: What the hell guys we're on in exactly ten minutes and I turn my back for one second and ya both are nowhere to be found!!! Who's the kid?
Autumn: *growls*
Johnny: What!?
Joey: I don't think she likes ya, John.
Johnny: *shrugs*
Autumn: Oh no I do its just... *gets wide eyed* never mind.
Dee Dee: I think you scared her, John...
Johnny: *shrugs* Whatever. We gotta go now.
Dee Dee: Nice meetin' ya, Autumn!
Joey: Yea maybe we'll see you after the show and we can ya know like talk *leaves*
Autumn: *blushes*
Stranger 1: *clears throat*
Autumn: *squeaks*
Jonesy: Let's go say hello to the lads eh Bonzo?. *leaves with Bonzo following him*
Stranger 1: What brings you to this little after party?
Autumn: Ah well me and my lover are fans of the bands and not to mention part of this shindig and we were searching for alcohol too...
Stranger 2: I don't see a lad around here I'm not acquainted with...
Autumn: Ah that's because She isn't a lad...
Stranger 1: Blimey she likes birds... That's Interesting.
Stranger 2: Yeah it's pretty rare to find a bird who likes other females especially these days, you know with all the anti gay shit that goes on.
Autumn: Yeah my motto is to each their own love has no gender, race, or age. *smiles*
Stranger 2: A girl after your own heart ey, Jim?
Stranger 1: Fuck off Percy.
Autumn: *laughs* I apologise for earlier I can be a bit clumsy...
Jimmy: Its alright love, no harm done...
Robert: So where is this charming bird that has you all starry eyed when you talk about her?
Autumn: She's over there flirting with Bowie and Iggy...
Jimmy: The bird with the black hair who looks like she walked out of a Stoker Novel?
Autumn: Yes that's my Tempest.
Robert: It fits her... She seems like a force to be reckoned with if crossed.
Autumn: Oh believe me she is.
Bonzo: Look who we found!
Stranger 5: Hey guys..
Jimmy: Keith!!!
Robert: It took you 2 hours to bring back Keith?
Jonesy: He was trying to blow up the mens room and put firecrackers in the light fixtures...
Autumn: *giggles* Same old Moonie...
Keith: *hears Autumn* Hello, who's this then?
Autumn: *wide eyed*
Jonesy: A bird Pagey bumped into... I haven't caught her name yet, what's your name love?
Autumn: ....
Keith: I think the cats got 'er tongue..
Jonesy: Don't be daft.. She's probably still reeling from when she bumped into Pagey.
Jimmy: I think she's just zoned yet again.
Robert: Knock it off lads, This is Autumn she's a fan and she likes women.
Jonesy: Cor Blimey she fancies the minges?
Autumn: *quirks brow* actually I fancy minges, Knockers and Pricks. Oh boy do I have a thing for pricks... *shakes head*
Robert: She's ACDC. *smiles*
Keith: Nice to meet ya love, pretty cute for a babe ain't she?
Autumn: Gah, I'm an adult dammit...
The Ramones walk back in....
Keith: *looks confused*
Jimmy: She's telling the truth..
Keith: But she's so small ain't she?...
Joey: I said the same thing earlier
Stranger 6: Wow she's looks so young...
Dee Dee: Its true she's 24!
Bonzo: Jesus, she's a wee one!
Autumn:.... Grrr...
Dee Dee: Uh Oh I guess she really doesn't like ya John...
stranger 6: What did ya do now?!
Johnny: I haven't done anything, I swear Marky..
Marky: *looks septical*
Joey: Its true she just saw him, glared and started growlin' at him...
Autumn: I can't explain why just know I'm not happy with you..
Dee Dee: Wonder what he did?
Marky: Probably something really bad if a stranger is glarin' at him....King Sloth over here pissin' off everybody huh?
Johnny: I'm tellin' ya guys I'm innocent!!
Autumn: *blows raspberry* I'm angry but hell ya can't help who you fall in love with....
Johnny: *wide eyed* Love?!
Dee Dee: *chokes on soda*
Marky: *smacks him in the back* Breathe buddy breathe!!!
Johnny: Love? I'm not interested kid...
Autumn: Not me, you!!!
Dee Dee: John found love...Well maybe she'll soften him up!!
Joey: I doubt it....
Autumn: I know your secret *smirks* I'm not happy but ya can't stop true love even if it hurts others!!!! *glares at Johnny*
Johnny: My what?!
Autumn: Nothing!! *smirks* I know what you need, a hug!!!
Johnny: Don't thi--
Autumn: *hugs Johnny*
Johnny: *wide eyed*
Dee Dee: He's looks like he's in shock
Joey: Wouldn't you if some stranger came up and hugged ya?
Dee Dee: No, I'd be happy!! Especially if it was a pretty girl!!
Marky: Guess next time he's angry we should hug him..
Johnny: You touch me and I'll punch you...
Autumn: *looks up* Are you blushing?
Johnny: No... *puts on his normal scowl face*
Autumn: Awe you are!! Look how cute you are!! *hugs tighter*
Johnny: *looks flustered* I ain't fuckin' cu--
Dee Dee: He is blushing!!
Joey: Never thought I'd see this day...
Johnny: Oh for fu--
Marky: King Sloth is content in his new found habitat!!
Johnny: *frowns flicks Marky off and walks away*
Dee Dee: One of us should go talk to him...
Marky: I'll go cause if either of you go you might come back injured....
Joey: Ya think its a good idea ya know you did piss him off...
Marky: Correction we all pitched in besides he'd never lay a hand on me.. *leaves*
Autumn: *scowls* Jerks!!! I had him calm and blushing and completely gobsmacked!! Moment ruiners!!!
Robert: There there little bird, you know lads she's more cute when she's angry its like a little pet!! *pets Autumn's head*
Autumn: *growls*
Joey: Ya know you're right she reminds you of those miniature dogs... *starts petting Autumn's head*
Autumn: *purrs*
Joey: Or a cat...a little cat that you could put in your pocket....
Autumn: *swats their hands away* Enough with the tiny jokes!!!
Jimmy: But birds are supposed to be smaller than lads. Unless you're like the bloody fifty foot woman...
Robert: Always standing up for the little ones ey Jimmy?
Jonesy: Quit picking on Pagey, Percy.
Robert: Aw, he knows I'm just pulling his leg.
Bonzo: I need booze...
Jonesy: I'm with you Bonzo..
Tempest: AUTUMN!!!!!
Autumn: *turns and becomes wide eyed*
Robert: What's with her now?
Dee Dee: She's got a friend...
Keith: The ginger haired bird 'as brought along a souvenir with 'er she has!
Autumn: If she asks I was well behaved in your presence...
Jimmy: What do you mean love?
Robert: Are you known to misbehave in the presence of musicians?
Joey: Are we ya know your kink? *smirks* Do ya have like a fetish for us misfits?
Keith: I 'ave a room filled with goodies if you fancy having a bit o' fun!
Autumn: *groans* No....Usually I'll get drunk and be up to my antics...
Keith: She's my kind of bird, lads. Do you fancy explosives, love?
Autumn: When drunk anything is fair game...
Dee Dee: I think we'd get along great
Johnny x Marky walk back in....
Robert: We should party with these birds...
Tempest: Why am I not surprised to see you surrounded by Keith Moon, Led Zeppelin x The Ramones... Its like we never left home... *smirks*
Autumn: *blushes*
Joey: She's does have a thing for us guys.
Dee Dee: She's cute but my girlfriend would throttle her....
Johnny: I think she'd be a better match for you than that...
Dee Dee: One more word and I swear--
Marky: Aright alright enough already you guys!!
Joey: Can't you guys go one day without ya both at each others' throats?
Autumn: *mumbles* Just wait till later....
Johnny: What was that?
Autumn: Nothing...
Tempest: Oh its more than a thing. *smirks mischievously*
Jimmy: Lads the little bird fancies us *smiles*
Keith: I have tend to have that effect on the birds
Autumn: Oh Sod off ya pie-eyed git! *laughing*
Keith: 'ow about you come over 'ere and make me?! *laughing*
Robert: Really now, come on love and tell us who's ya favourite? *smiles*
Autumn: Urhm.....
Tempest: That's so freakin' easy she likes--
Autumn: *covers Tempest's mouth* I will end you!!
Tempest: *Licks Autumn's hand*
Autumn: EW!!!
Tempest: As I was saying before rudely interrupted, Autumn likes Jimmy!!
Autumn: *hides face*
Tempest: But she loves all of you my god you should hear her carrying on about The Who This or Led Zeppelin that *laughs* She also likes Joey!! *looks at Joey* You should see her at home she's when she watches Rock N Roll high school or listens to Ramones records she gets all--
Autumn: *screams* For fuck sake!!
Joey: *lowers his glasses*
Keith: The little bird looks like a ripe tomahto!!!
Jimmy: Please carry on this sounds hilarious.
Autumn: NO!!! *puts shades on*
Robert: They just can't resist the mysterious wizard! *laughing*
Tempest: No they attract them like a moth to a flame!!!
Autumn: *groaning*
Joey: They get along well don't they?
Autumn: One would think they were cut from the same stone...
Jimmy: Yeah.
Tempest: Did I tell you she's got a thing for Keith as well?!
Keith: Ya don't say!!
Robert: I think she fancies brunettes!!
Tempest: Oh oh and you should see her when watching the Beatles, I'm starting to think she likes Ringo!!
Keith: He's a mate of mine!
Tempest: You should bring him over some day and watch her...I'm surprised she hasn't tried to rape the guys!!!
Robert: I think she might later when they're alone, cause we all know Pagey will be all for it but I don't know about the other guy though...
Tempest: Please anyone who dresses like that has to have a dark side or at least a few kinks!!!
Autumn: *looks at Joey*
Joey: *looks down at the ground*
Autumn: *yells* Stop cackling ya Bunch of fucking Perverts!!
Jimmy: So you fancy me?
Autumn: *shyly* Uhm... Yeah actually all of you, I've always loved your guitar playing and how Robert's voice meshes so well along with John's drum solos and Jonesy's lovely bass, its like you guys are one soul...
Jimmy: That was a wonderful explanation...
Autumn: *shyly* And you I love your music it always speaks to me like I can relate to those lyrics I've been through a good chunk and fuck what others say about ya I find you beautiful inside and out *blushes* You guys have helped me through a lot more than you'll ever know and I always wanted to say thank you. *gives them both a big smile*
Joey: You're welcome kid glad we could help ya *smiles*
Jimmy: You're welcome do you play?
Autumn: Learning but it takes a lot of patience... The most I can do is sing.
Joey: How long you been singin' for?
Autumn: Mmm since as long as I can remember....I was raised in church you put the pieces together..
Joey: So what did you say to John earlier that turned so angry?
Autumn: Nothing... I don't wanna say because it might hurt someone's feelings and I've heard plenty of heartache from them and I think I'd lose it if I saw it happen in real life...
Joey: So you're looking out for a friend so they don't get hurt?
Autumn: Kinda...
Joey: Its better to let them make their own mistakes ya know?
Jimmy: You can't save everyone little bird...
Autumn: I know but I just can't do it, I mean I know I can't save em...but I'll try my damndest
Joey: You have to let them go sometimes....It's the hardest thing but you gotta do what's right for you.
Autumn: Well then I'll just try to soften the blow as much as I can.... *hugs Joey*
Joey: *stands in shock*
Autumn: It's gonna be alright.....
Joey: *quirks brow in confusion then just shrugs and hugs back*
Jimmy: I believe we all have been spotted *points to the gawkers*
Robert: Aw look Jimmy, Joey and the little Tangerine are bonding!
Autumn: Which One?!
Tempest: BOTH!!!
Autumn: *blushes* Shut up!! *in low voice* God I need a fucking drink...
Joey: I know a bar on the corner it'll make you whatever you want no matter how crazy the order is...
Autumn: What the hell are we waiting for??
Jimmy: I agree let's go get smashed. *laughing*

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