If you're looking for an inspiring, heartwarming book written by a witty, wise author...
You should really find a different book.
All this book consists of is me documenting my day to day life, talking about topics you might find relatable, and me d...
And while staring into the dark abyss, I thought it would be a great idea to watch some TV and write a chapter.
My brain is too fried to write The Girl of Time...but this book has plenty of room for nonsense.
I thought I'd write a bit of what's on my mind until I eventually fall asleep.
Let the games begin.
Well, let's see, what should I watch? Netflix has hundreds of different shows. So many options.
Supernatural it is.
So...what should I talk about? (By the way, keep track on how much my grammar recedes as the minutes tick by)
Man, I'm thirsty.
Here's the problem...if I go to get water, I'll set the Yorkie off. Who will then trigger the two giant dogs sleeping on my floor to also start barking.
Then there you go, the whole house is up.
I swear, it's that dog's mission to make sure none of us sleep more than two hours at a time.
So yeah...
I put soap on my toothbrush instead of toothpaste earlier.
That is something I hope I never experience ever again.
You know something that bothers me?
When you go to a restaurant, and you're all excited to order that one dish you always get from there, and then guess what?
They don't &@$"# have it.
It's worse when you're vegetarian, and the menu basically consists of:
Salad with chicken (which of course is pre made so they can't pick the chicken out)
Mac and cheese with bacon
Chili with beef
Meat with meat
Meat sautéed in meat with meat with a side of freaking chicken strips
So, when they're out of the freaking tomato soup that is literally the only thing that I can eat...I may have cried a little.
And then I have to order the freaking grilled cheese off the kid's menu with a side of applesauce. I don't like applesauce. I don't want to pay $7 to eat a piece of stale bread with freaking orange plastic cheese that I could make at home in my toaster. I want you to make some soup when it's 3:30 and my family is literally the only people there.
I've hit the midnight mark, can you tell?
If I wake up tomorrow and this is all trash I'm not posting this.
But right now, I think I'm hilarious.
I don't know what to talk about.
Actually, I do.
Let's over analyze some Tv show topics, shall we?
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I love how I talk like you're actually there playing along when in reality I'm just writing a bunch of nonsense that you'll read a week after I've published this.
Well, now I feel lonely.
You know what I don't like?
I don't like people who rip on other people's head-canons.
It just makes me feel sad inside.
I mean, who cares if someone thinks that person a and person b are meant for each other?
Just because it's not canon or you don't believe it would work out (yet) doesn't mean that that they can't ship it.
There are no rules set in stone that say we can't have our own outlooks and opinions on Tv shows.
This is how wars start.
I mean, come on! There are people who just critique every single head-canon, every ship, even things that are canon.
They are canon-balls.
Ha. Ha.
I made a pun.
I'm sure other people call them that...but you know what? I'm to tired to look it up. Yeah...it goes something like, "can we call people who hate head-canons cannonballs because they destroy ships?"
Dang it.
I felt really smart for like...five whole seconds.
Canon-ball: There is literally no way that so and so can be with so and so! Seriously, just because they hugged after murdering that guy doesn't mean anything! And don't even get me started on (insert actual canon couple here.) So what, they confessed their undying love to each other and all of a sudden that makes them a couple?
The rest of the world:
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My brothers and I have been watching the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and let me just say, they are pure gold.
I swear I have seen half of the entire series used as memes and gifs.
Me: Ooh, that part's a meme
Brothers: That's nice, Bella
Me: Ooh, there's a gif used commonly among the fandoms
Brothers: ...uh huh...
Me: Wait for it...wait for it...there! That's another one!
Brothers: We get it...
Okay, believe me, I'm a really fun person to be around. If you can get over the amount of times I nonchalantly quote shows.
Seriously, if my mother knew how many times a day I quoted television, she would disown me.
Mother: *Hears some sort of noise* what's that sound?
Me: *pretends to talk into my phone* it's the sounds of life, Sherlock. But don't worry...I can soon fix that.
Mother: What are you...why are you crying?
Me: I'm not, it's just...never mind.
Mother: Did you call me Sherlock?
Me: It's nothing, I'm sorry.
This is why I have like, no friends.
How is it already 1:20??
I'm sorry I'm not writing much, I'm mostly just staring into the darkness, contemplating life.
Some of my favorite nighttime thoughts include...
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Mind: hey
Me: what do you want now?
Mind: I don't think you shut off the lamp in the basement.
Me: Oh...
Mind: You better go check
Me: why?
Mind: because what if it gets really hot and burns the house down?
Me: Yeah, I better go check.
Mind: you up?
Me: of course I am
Mind: you know that shelf that hangs right over the Tv with all the picture frames on it?
Me: yes...
Mind: what if it falls?
Me: what do you-
Mind: think about it. It's a pretty heavy shelf, you know how easily it could fall? It would ruin all the picture frames. Ooh, and what if it falls on one of the dogs?
Me: I don't think that could actually happen...
Mind: but what if it does?
Me: ...I never thought about it like that...
^all actual things that have happened more than once. Don't worry, though. I'm getting better.
Okay friends...let's back away from that dark place now...
I don't like this game. This game isn't fun anymore. I want to sleep.
Alright, talk to you later.
Question of the day (or night or morning or what ever this is??):
Favorite...quote? Doesn't have to be Superwholock related (you have my permission.)