Regis rested his cheek on his knuckle, his elbow on the table in front of him and sighed. He now sat in the grand dining room of the castle while his advisors nagged at him. The large regal clock that hung on the wall only seemed to move slower with each passing second.
"Majesty," Moddin, a hunchback little man in a dark blue robe urged. "We can go searching for her now! It would be best to find her as soon as possible so she may not reveal the location of the flame to another soul!"
"Forget the girl for now, my Lord!" Azla, a woman with short black hair and thick eye shadow insisted. "We need only one sage to completely dull the Master Sword! We must find the hero, and trick him into finding the blade for us!"
"Yes!" Vire agreed. "If we stick to the plan, things will go smoothly!"
"No!" Moddin objected. "The Princess escaping wasn't part of our plan. If we don't alter our strategy now, things could go worse for us!"
Azla jabbed a finger in his direction. "And what happens if that just messes things up even further?"
Suddenly, the large, wooden door to the hall swung open, revealing a tall, wicked looking woman with white hair and shapely eyes. She wore a dark red, low cut dress with dark blue trim. A black cape hung from her shoulders, and her silk gown split down the middle under her sash, revealing her light blue pants. "Enough of your arguing. Can't you three see you're irritating the prince?" She barked in a deep, womanly voice.
The prince raised his head. "Ah, Serprice. You've returned!"
Serprice bowed graciously to him, then treaded over to her seat on his right. Instead of sitting, she stood, placing her hands on the back of her chair. "We believe, even though we've lost the princess, we have also gained quite a valuable asset. Has our guest not been interrogated?"
Regis closed his eyes. "She has, and still is, but there's no way she'll talk. I personally know that for a fact."
"Well, she won't be expecting our methods of finding information. Worry not, highness. We'll find your sister, and simultaneously seek out the one who will wield the blade." Serprice crossed her arms, and grinned confidently. Then she nodded at Regis' other three advisors. "You three, go fetch the princess's attendant."
"You intend to bring her here?" Regis asked in a bored voice. "Better keep her in chains."
Serprice nodded with a smile. "If you wish it, your highness." She turned back to the other three again. "Why are you still here? Go! We don't like to wait!"
The sitting room was silent. Impa sat on a velvet couch opposite from Regis, never removing her piercing glare from his eyes. He simply smiled back at her, amused.
Serprice stood just as she had in the dining hall, behind the couch Regis sat in, and two guards stood just the same behind Impa's couch.
"Impa," Serprice began, breaking the silence. "Would you care for a drink? You must be weary after such a busy day."
Now Impa shifted her glare to Serprice. "Don't even try that!" She snapped.
"Try what?" Serprice asked innocently.
"Anything! You insult me by acting as though you can get anywhere in this interrogation!"
Regis shrugged. "She only offered you a drink."
"And that's why you bound me? To have a friendly chat over tea? We are no longer on any good terms, you corrupted prince!" Impa spat.
Serprice narrowed her eyes at Impa. "Hold your tongue, you filthy watch dog!" She growled, but Regis looked away, as if he couldn't care less. Serprice continued. "Just as you are loyal to your precious princess, we won't let you speak poorly of the prince!"
Impa then looked up at Serprice, suddenly intrigued. "Then, shouldn't you of all people understand that I could never breathe a word to you of Princess Zelda's whereabouts?"
"That depends on you." She hissed through gritted teeth.
Regis raised his head. "Because her people skills vary from person to person."
Impa sighed in frustration. "And, by people skills, you mean torturing methods?"
"Potayto, potahto," Regis said, rolling his eyes.
Serprice cooled her breath. "We'll only hurt you if it calls for it."
"If what calls for it? No matter what you do, I'll never let you find her!" Her voice had raised to a shout.
Serprice tapped her chin and clicked her tongue. "We know what to do then." A smug grin spread across her face. Then she looked up at the guards, and said, "It's decided. Escort her to her chambers, like we told you,"
With that, the two guards helped Impa up, and walked her out the door, all the while, she wore a sour look on her face.
"So you've decided to go with that," Regis commented once they left.
Serprice chuckled. "She's perfect for it. Fret not, we'll see Zelda soon."
Regis frowned, then stood. "I'm going to retire now,"
Serprice bowed. "We wish you pleasant dreams, highness."
This one is short. Another filler, but it's kind of important, plus, Regis is my favorite character in this story <xD Btw, if you're confused, Serprice refers to herself in the plural. M'kay, so thanks for reading -v-

The Legend of Zelda: The Regal Flame
AdventureThe Regal Flame was an everlasting mystical candlelight given to the the ruler of Hyrule. It seems some would go to great lengths to obtain it...