A Childhood Lie

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"Ah! Finally some real relaxation!" I smiled laying down in the hot steaming tub full of bubbles, candles all around the bathroom making it smell like a vanilla paradise.
Closing my eyes I leaned back when suddenly I felt my mind wander to Sakuya.
Frowning slightly a remembered the other night.
He looked so hurt.... Maybe I was a bit harsh... But he promised

"Bye! See ya guys later!" I waved to my friends leaving the mall we were at.
"Bye Yuki! Be careful!" Yuna exclaimed.
"I know I know!" I smiled before running off.
Turning away I let the smile fall
They only hang out with me because they feel bad
Kicking at the sidewalk slightly I stuffed my hands in my pockets as an uncomfortable feeling came over me.
Looking around the dark street I saw no one around until suddenly there was a distinct sound of someone walking up behind me.
Quickly moving faster I headed down the sidewalk even faster until I was running.
Suddenly I was tackled to the ground.
"Don't move you stupid girl!"
Looking up fearfully I saw an older man with a black mask on.
Suddenly he got up and dragged me in to alley.
"Stop! Don't touch me!!"

Sitting numbly at my desk I stared down at my feet.
Hugging myself slightly I clenched my eyes shut trying to stop myself from crying.
I hadn't told Mahiru anything, he asked about the bruises and I had told him I fell on the way walking home and luckily he believed me.
As they day passed on I stayed quite and just gave brief answers when people talked to me and asked me if I was okay.
As the help rang I froze in my seat.
I don't wanna go home...
"Alright what's up? Something's off. Is your stomach hurting or something? Did you forget your pills?" Sakuya asked crouching down beside me.
Slowly looking at him I shook my head.
"Did you and Mahiru get in a fight?"
"Get a bad test grade?"
"That time of the month?"
"Alright then what is it?" He huffed.
I shook my head.
"It doesn't matt-"
"Of course it matters. If it making you like this it must have been pretty big. Did something happen when you were walking home yesterday?"
Tensing I grabbed my stuff.
"N-no....see ya later!" I faked a smile before rushing off.
Hurrying off I found myself on the same street.
Holding my bag close to my body I shook with fear as I took slow timid steps my mind a thousand miles a second.
Suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder.
Letting out a shriek I jumped away landing harshly on my ass.
Quickly curling in a ball, i hid my face in my knees as tears streamed down my face like waterfalls.
"Please p-please don't touch me!" I whimpered.
There was no answer so I slowly looked up and saw a very shocked and confused Sakuya.
We stared at each other until I couldn't hold it back and lunged at him hugging him tightly as my body shook harshly with sobs.
He quickly wrapped his arms me and pulled me closer.
Suddenly it began to rain.
He quickly held me bridle style and ran through the rain to a hotel where he got a room and led me up there, me crying in this shoulder the whole time.
Setting me softly on the bed he began grabbing towels and helped dry me off.
"Now what happened?" He asked sitting down in front of me.
"What are you talking about nothing happened!" I exclaimed looking away.
He quickly grabbed my face and made me look at him.
"Don't lie" he warned his eyes darkening.
Suddenly memories of the night before came to me and I began to cry all over again.
Sakuya waited patiently for to stop crying.
Once I did I let the story escape my mouth and cried even more as he just stated at me with wide eyes.
"O-Oh my god. Yuki" he whispered before pulling me in to yet another hug.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you" he whispered in to my hair.
Sitting there I just held on to him as his warm embrace comforted me and calmed me.
"Yuki. Promise me you won't lie to me again? Promise me that next time I ask whats going on or what happened that you'll answer me and answer me honestly?" He asked pulling away and staring down at me as he held my shoulder.
"Only if you promise me the same" I smiled slightly holding out my pinky.
"Uhm yeah totally! Sure! I won't lie to you and you won't lie to me! No lies between the two of us!" He laughed weirdly.
"Pinky promise?"
"Of course" he grinned and we pinky promised.
~End of Flashback~

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