~Kayla P.O.V
???:well well well look who it is not a suprise
Justin:you guys always have to fuck up shit
Ryan:shut up scary cat look whats behind you
*i fliped justin&i was on him*
Justin:shhh baby there nothing *rubbin my tigh up &down*
Ryan:there is
Me:shut up ryan your such an ass
Ryan:i know besty
Me:i swear you &chaz are gay*i saw chaz face stuffed in cheetos puff*
Chaz:hey i herd that
Me:says the fatass
Chaz:oh thats it!!!*he tacked me to the floor &started ticklin me*
Me:stoopppp jussstin helpppp *laughing justin pused him off my &help me up*
Justin:hey bro the only person that can tickle her is me *i got on the bed & i got confertble i felt 2strong hands wraped around me i turned it was justin.Ryan &chaz were on the floor*
Me:guys who do you love more me or justin
Ryan:umm justin ive know him since forever & hes cool hes been there for me but sometimes in school he acts like a nerd when hes not!!!! &you your cool funy umm been there me too umm your sweet well i love you guys the same
Justin:no ryan you love me more
Me:fine i get chaz
Justin:ohkii well night everone
Me:night ryan night chaz night my prince
Justin:night princess *kissed my forhead*
i dozed off in justin arms it was around 4㏂ he wasnt there ryan or chaz ethir i got out quietly i herd laughin in the garge i headed there i peek thur the hole from the door knob it was justin ryan & chaz smokin weed WEED i opend the door
Me:how could you!!!! *i ran to the room i saw 3baked boys in front of me i put on my shoses*
Justin:baby im im sorry
Ryan:kayla im super sorry i didnt mean for you to see this kayla
Justin:baby don't go
*i ran to the door &slamed it*
Justin P.O.V
Shit kayla saw us. I mean yea i smoke but im not a pot head. Kayla went running i dont know were i let her calm down& go to her house but i dont know why she's like this. I mean its just smoking it aint ganna get harmed.
Chaz:oh my kayla probly cryin her eyes out of her bestfriend &her boyfriend fuckin smoking we shold of done this another time its ganna hurt her espisly of what happened
Me:what happened
Ryan:well cause......
Kayla P.O.V

somebody to love ♡
Fanfictionkayla the popular girl in school feels bad for justin bieber the nerd of the school while everyone pickin on him she just tries to be his friend.Kayla boyfriend Ron ,captain of the football team,is the biggest bully to justin them the others. someho...