And I am back with another update! Mwahaha.
The picture above is of Dave Franco who plays Nathan and Ethan Fernandez. He is a total hottie. <3 This chapter is going to be a tad bit short as my exams are coming up.
Anyway I am back with a bang and I hope everyone likes it. Happy reading.
Also I would like to dedicate this chapter to my crazy friend bshetty1 who proofread the last chapter for me. :P
'Sometimes people just want to be happy, even if it's not real.'~ Veronica Roth, Insurgent.
----------------------------------------------Kris' POV
It's been three days. THREE DAYS. Three fucking days since I played the prank on Christiana by letting Tom inside her locker.
This was so unusual of Hall. I was suspecting her to retaliate earlier than this. I would think that she gave up on the thought of revenge as a whole if I did not know better. The smirks and the single eyebrow lifts that she gives me are a whole other story.
Kris, you better be on your guard.
The devil is definitely planning something major and embarrassing.
I definitely know that she is planning something that will catch me off guard. Saying that I am scared will be an understatement. She is one of those girls who does not give up.
I was very aware of the trick that all pranksters played. The prankster won't play any tricks on the victim for a long time, thus making them relaxed. When they least expect it, the prankster will catch the victim off guard and play the prank.
I was currently sitting in the library and trying to figure out Hall's next move. This was a game of chess I will do anything to win. It was a free lecture for me and I was trying to concentrate on the microbiology book placed in front of me but my mind kept drifting away to Hall's plan.
I still remember Hall's face when Tom, my pet beetle, crawled out of her locker. Every time I think of her face, I can't help but laugh. The ear piercing scream she let out was worse than a banshee's. It was such an easy task for me to undertake. I went to her best friend, Alex, and told her the plan.
Alex has a large evil part to herself. As soon as she heard the plan, she willingly gave me Christiana's locker pin. After that, she said something along the lines of ' My ship is about to sail' which still confuses me.
Even though the look on her face was priceless, when the people around her started to laugh I couldn't help but feel guilty. My guilt increased when the incident with the beetle spread like wildfire.
I don't even know why I remembered such a petty detail like the fact that Hall is afraid of beetles. I still remember the day in Hyde park from seven years ago. It is as clear as a diamond. It was the day I first met her.
A young, nine year old boy was sitting on the park bench just outside the small ice-cream vendor's cart and observing a fragile girl with chipmunk cheeks who was playing with sand.
He did not have any friends and he was afraid to go and introduce himself to the girl. The girl was wearing a red frilly dress and had her moose brown hair up in two pigtails.
The girl was innocently taking the sand in her little hands and letting it fall from the space between her fingers. She looked like she was confused and was trying to figure something out.
The boy kept thinking what will happen if the girl is mean to him but seeing her innocent face, he gathered all the pieces of courage he had and went towards the sand pit.
'Hey. Why are you looking at the sand so suspiciously?', the little boy asked cautiously.
'My dad says that glass is made out of sand. How is that possible? Sand is so loose and unstable. It keeps slipping away.', the girl innocently wondered.
He thought for a while so that he can give her a smart answer.
'Sand is like trust. It is as unstable as trust. But when you warm it with love and care, the trust becomes stable. When you heat sand, it becomes glass. But it is still unstable. One drop and it gets shattered.', he answered confidently.
The girl smiled, satisfied with the answer.
'My name is Christiana. What's yours?', the girl said,
'The name's Watson, Kris Watson.', the boy answering with a puffed chest.
' Are you waiting for someone?', Christiana asked with a laugh.
' Yes. I am waiting for my mom. She is taking me to buy a beetle. I've wanted one for so long.', the boy answered.
'Ew, beetles. I am afraid of beetles. I hate beetles. They scare me.', Christiana said with distaste.
The boy could only smile at how cute the girl was.
'Anyway, you should play with me until your mom arrives', the girl said nonchalantly.
The boy nodded with red cheeks and they proceeded to make sandcastles with sand and allotted themselves a room in it.
The day felt as though it were ages old. As though centuries had passed. It was when they were two different people. When they had not let the competition come in between their innocence. It was funny how time and age made things so complicated. It was in the nature of human beings to make every situation and relationship complicated. Stupid, fickle beings with a specialty in self-destruction.
Hall and I never spoke to each other after that. We only saw each other from afar in school.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang. Yes! It was AP Chemistry period. Everything about this period was good except for the fact that Christiana was with me in this period.
One entering the class, I take a seat in the third row just diagonal to Hall.
Christiana is sitting next to the blondie friend of hers, Isabella I think. When I glance at her, she gives me a smirk and continues to talk to her friend. That smirk definitely means danger. I scowl at her and give her a glare which she returns with a fierce glare of herself.
A cough from the Chemistry teacher interrupts our glaring session. I never saw him enter the class, nonetheless standing in front of me.
"Mr. Watson, I would love it if you will face me and pay attention instead of ogling at Ms. Hall here.", Mr. Duke says with a pointed glare.
This makes the class laugh while heat creeps up my neck. Now the whole class would think that I fancy the devil or something. As if that will happen.
"There is nothing to ogle at, Mr Duke.", I reply with a glare after recovering from my embarrassment. The whole class oohs while both Mr Duke and Christiana glare at me.