Chapter 10

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Recap: So you and Dana was chilling, got a call from Cole, Cole asked you on a date, now you getting ready so on ward


You: "What to wear?What to wear?" You asked yourself as you look inside your closet. "I'm really nervous about this date. Is this even a date?!?! Oh gosh now I'm even more nervous! Wait yn calm down he just wants to show you around that's all and besides your yn ymn yln you can do anything well not really math but you can do this."

*knocks on the door*

Dana: YN? Are you OK? Who are you talking to?

You: ummm just some friends back home.

Dana: ok yeah sure alright *chuckles and walks away*

So you decided on a pair of white shorts with a blue and purple strap less shirt, white high tops, a white jean jacket half length and your hair is curly let out.

You: ehhh this should do *goes downstairs*

Dana: *looks up* ohh girl that is so fetch *says in a girly tone while flinging his hand*

You: *bursts out laughing* no just no never do that again.

Dana: never make me watch that movie again

You: sissy

Dana: take that back

You: S.I.S.S.Y sissy! Dana Vaughns is a sissy!

Dana: *tackles you* what was that?

You: You. Is. A. Sissy *looks up at him smirking*

Dana: *leans down* your gonna regret saying that. *starts tickling you* take it back!

You: *laughing uncontrollably* hahaha hahaha no!

Dana: take. it. back.

*door bell rings*

You: *pushes Dana off* hahaha saved by the bell. *sticks tongue out*

Dana: *sticks tongue out back* I'll get you later my pretty. *opens door* get man how's it going?

????: good just here to pick up yn. she ready?

Dana: yeah. princess yn your ride is here.

You: Dana your such a dork. *comes to the door* hey Cole.

Cole: hey yn looking good *winks at you*

You: *blushes* thanks.

Dana: ok you kids have fun. And Cole?

Cole: Yeah?

Dana: Have her home by 10 mister I got my eye on you. *closes door and open it again* my eye on you. *closes door*

Cole: Yeah ok *laughs and leans you to the car* he sure is something *opens door for you*

You: *laughs* yeah he is but you gotta love him thanks *gets in car*

Cole: *closes door and gets in the driver side* has he always been this protective of you? *starts driving off*

You: Yeah when I was younger my parents use to fight a lot so I used to always go over to sleep over. He's like a big brother to me always trying to make sure I don't get hurt. *smiles alittle* but anyway where are we going?

Cole: Do you like carnivals?

Just as he said that a carnival on a dock came into view there was rides,games, and food. You guys get out the car and Cole pays for your tickets.

You: I could've payed for myself you know

Cole: I know but a beautiful girl like your self shouldn't have to pay besides this is my treat. I'm showing you around California.

With that you and Cole ran off to have fun. Now shall we check on Dana.

*at Dana's house*

Dana: ughhh I'm so bored. I wonder if Kellyn wants to hang out *looks for her number and call her*

Kellyn: Hello?

Dana: hey, is this Kellyn?

Kellyn: Yeah who's this?

Dana: this is Dana the boy from the beach?

Kellyn: oh yeah! hey how's it going?

Dana: good so what you doing later?

Kellyn: nothing much my aunt took my like sister to a kids party that one of her friends is having and my cousin is going on a date with her boyfriend

Dana: oh I've been meaning to ask you is your cousin name Kat and dating a boy name Gabe?

Kellyn: Ummm yeah how did you know that?

Dana: haha don't worry I'm not like some creepy stalker no cause Gabe is my band mate and my best friend and he has a girlfriend name Kat.

Kellyn: ohhh that is so creepy cool but creepy.

Dana: Yeah hey can I call you back right quick?

Kellyn: Yeah sure

Dana: k see ya *hands up and calls Gabe*

Gabe: Batman speaking

Dana: Yo Gabe

Gabe: Yeah?

Dana: You was right about Kellyn. She is Kat's cousin.

Gabe: told you

Dana: so I was wondering if you wanna do a double date?

Gabe: Yeah that'll be cool I was taking Kat out anyway today. We could go to olive garden?

Dana: Yeah ok I'll ask Kellyn

Gabe: Yeah and I'll tell Kat see ya

Dana: see ya *hangs up and calls back Kellyn* hey Kellyn?

Kellyn: Yeah?

Dana: Would you like to go out with me?

Kellyn:.................................yeah sure. yeah I'll love to

Dana: ok oh and its a double date

Kellyn: with who?

Dana: Gabe and Kat.

Kellyn: ok cool where we going?

Dana: olive garden so I hope you like pasta.

Kellyn: haha don't worry I do so I better get ready bye

Dana: bye *hangs up* yes! who's the man? oh yeah I'm the man? boo yeah!

and that's it for now my first official chapter for 2014 hopefully for many more. hehehe one again sorry but it's a lot and please comment I need people to answer back ask questions about the story or me im just bored!! ok love y'all ~ Dana

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