Chapter 44

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HEY EVERYONE! THIS IS IMPORTANT SO PLEASE READ! I have had so much fun writing this for you guys. It's been a good time y'all! Howver, I think it's time that this story ended and I start on something new and also finish up my other one. This will be one of the last chaps sadly, but thank you to everyone who has voted and taken the time to read my story! :)


~Gabrielle's POV~

I scanned the whole ball room, looking for my friends. Sadly, they were no where in sight.

"Hey Gabrielle!" My friend, Kim came up to greet me and gave me a friendly hug.

I quickly changed my worried look to a smile for Kim's sake.

"Hey Kim! You look so pretty." I replied.

"Aw thanks girl, so do you. Did you come here with anyone?" She politely asked.

"Uh y-yeah but I can't find him anywhere." My voice started getting all shaky just thinking about what had happened a couple of minutes ago.

"Find who?" Now Kim looked worried.

"Chris." I replied real quick.


I nodded my head in agreement.

"Oh yeah! My table is over by that window and I saw him and two other people leave in a limo." She replied as she pointed to the window.

"They all left me." I said in disbelief.

"I can give you a ride Gabby. I drove myself here." She smiled.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you." I jumped up and gave her a quick hug.

"C'mon lets go." I followed her out of the banquet and to her car.

"Do you know where they are at? You should try calling one of them." Kim said as she backed out of the parking lot.

"Nah, I know exactly where they are at." I replied.

~Chris's POV~

Lexis, Ace, and I were all chilling out and swimming in her inground pool.

I was letting out some anger by doing laps around the pool. Lexis and Ace were talking and laughing on the diving board.

All of a sudden the back door swings open and Gabby is standing there in the doorway, glaring at us.

"Thanks for leaving me!" She sarcastically said. She was still in her dress.

"Sorry Gabs, Chris was leaving and we didn't wanna get left behind too." She got up from the diving board.

I chose to try to ignore her and just continued doing laps.

"So i'm guessing he told you then?" She yelled on purpose and stood closer to the pool so I could hear her from under the water.

She really knows how to get on my nerves.

"Uh...yeah Chris told us." Ace rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Of course he did." She stared me down.

I got pissed off with her trying to be a smartass and stopped doing laps.

"Don't try to act like the victim Gabs!" I yelled at her.

"Shut the hell up! I'm not trying to act like the victim but that's pretty shitty of you to freaking just leave me there!" She yelled back as she stood on the edge of the pool.

I scooted up to the edge in the pool. "Oh like how it's shitty that you were fooling around with Sebastian!"

"Oookay. Um, were just gonna let you two talk. We will be inside." Ace and Lexis excused themselves and walked inside.

"I feel bad about it, but I wanted to talk and explain everything to you. I didn't think you would go and take my friends with you and just leave me there." She snapped at me.

"You just feel bad cause you got caught. But I didn't force them to come along, they just did and Lexis let us chill here." I commented right back, she was pissing me off like crazy and honestly I wanted her to leave. I wanted to be alone right now.

"No I don't I really didn't want any of this to happ-"

"But it did! It happened! You were doing whatever you wanted with Sebastian while you were supposed to be MY date and had me worried about you. I should have just listened to my gut feeling about're no good for me and i'm no good for you." I sighed, I felt like a weight had just been lifted off of me.

"You don't mean that..." Tears started falling from her eyes, mascara was running down her face.

I hated making her cry, even if she hurt me I didn't care. I knew we just weren't meant to be together. Gabby isn't ready for a relationship and apparently she doesn't love me enough to just be with me. We needed to stop hurting each other like this. It needed to end.

"Gabs, I just...I ca-"

"You don't love me afterall do you?" She sniffled like a mouse and wiped the mascara from her lower eyes.

I stared at her, seeing her cry made me want to break down and cry myself. This wasn't fair to either one of us.

"Chris...?" She looked at me confused, wondering why I haven't given her an answer yet.

I leaned over from the pool and crashed my lips onto hers. It was a long, saddening kiss. Not like how we use to whenever it was just flirty and fun. This one was different.

It was a goodbye kiss.

We broke apart and stared at each other intently.

"Don't ever say I don't love you." I breathed against her shoulder.

She started crying some more as tears began to fall down her cheeks like a waterfall.

"Um, I -I n-need to go Chris. I can't h-handle this right now." She said in between breaths as she tried to control her tears.

She stood up and headed for the back door.

"This is for the better right?" She sniffled again as she turned around before she opened the door.

"Yeah, we need to stop hurting each other like this." I replied. I could feel my eyes watering a little.

"I love you." She replied as she wiped her tears again.

"I Love you too, don't forget that." I put on a brave smile.

She smiled back and walked inside.

From the back window, I saw her giving Lexis and Ace a hug and crying some more. She then dissapeared outside.

I felt my face heat up as tears started coming down my own face. I couldn't believe that I was actually crying over a girl.

This wasn't just a girl though, this was Gabrielle Evans. The girl who turned from my childhood enemy to my love. I loved her and I hated seeing her go.

Just, Me, Myself And Mr.SexybackOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant