It was finally game day. Coach woke Kerri and I up early at 7 am for practice and a workout. The events of last night replayed in my mind. Ryan. I couldn't get him out of my head. He sure did have an effect on me. Coach had to get me out of my thoughts a couple of times. I could tell she was getting frustrated with me.
"One hundred push ups, now." She said as she tapped my shoulder. I frowned. Kerri ran up to the two of us.
"Coach, her arms are gonna be tired for the game if she does that."
"Well she should focus. We have to win everyone one of the games if you want the gold." Coach sighed and walked away.
Kerri put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey what's going on? You're not getting nervous on me are ya?"
I shook my head and grabbed my water bottle and started drinking. Should I tell her what's on my mind? I think I should because she would know what to do since she's older and wiser.
I sighed before telling her the whole story of Ryan and I. From how we've been hanging out to what happened last night that the ceremony.
"Wow, that's disgusting of him. You shouldn't be thinking about that because we have something more important here. Just take all your anger out on the court tonight."
"You're right. I just need to take all my emotions out in the game." I started to smile. Kerri laughed. "Well, not all of them. Just bring that fire."
We continued to talk and practice for tonight.
Later that evening, it was time. Kerri and I were up against China. Before the game, Kerri and and changed into our Team USA bikini. We were in the middle of stretching when one of our teammates, Alice, ran into the room with an amused expression.
"What?" I said as she stopped in front of us.
"Your boy toy is in the crowd." She now had a blank expression on her face as she looked straight at me. I rolled my eyes.
"Hey, so is my family." I told her. Kerri coughed awkwardly. "So, that means not only will her family be watching, but the whole world will see her bring her A game. They don't call her Fireball for no reason."
"Fireball?" I questioned her.
"Yah, it's because of your spike." She laughed. Alice nodded. "Oh that makes so much since. Well good luck out there girls. We know you got this one." She winked before leaving to go to her spot in the crowd.
"Less than a minute." Coach said as she walked over to us. Across the arena I could see team China get ready. I'm guessing they were ready to get beaten in volleyball. I giggled.
"That's the spirt," Coach said as she patted my shoulder. "Glad to know you're not distracted anymore."
I nodded. Just hope I can stay this way throughout the game.
It was finally time to go out on the court. As Kerri and I walked out, the crowd cheered loudly. I smiled and waved to the crowd and my eyes landed on Ryan. He was sitting with my family. I forced a smile his way and turned to Kerri.
The whistle blowed signaling us that the game is beginning. Kerri and I high fived each other and I took my place out in the front of the net. China served first.
After Kerri passed the ball to me, I spiked it, earning us the first point. Kerri and I cheered and high fived each other as the crowd roared.
An hour later, we won 20 to 22. Kerri and I shook the Chinese teammate's hands and we went over to our coaches.
"Good job girls. Next game in two days. Go out and get some rest or party or whatever." Coach hugged us and walked away.
"Congrats sweetie!" My mom said as she came over and hugged me. Dad, Charlie and Ryan was behind her. I hugged her back and saw that she was crying.
"Mom why are you crying? We haven't won gold yet." Everyone chuckled as she wiped her eyes. "I know, I'm just happy. That's all."
Dad and Charlie congratulated me before they left. It was only Ryan and I left. Ryan smiled awkwardly while walking closer to me.
"Congratulations Mel, few more games left and you'll have your next gold metal."
"Thanks Ryan." I smiled at him. I grabbed my water bottle from off the ground and drunk some.
"Look, that chick that you saw yesterday-"
"That chick?" I frowned at him. "That girl has a name Ryan. It looked like she really likes you."
"Natalia is my ex. She's been trying to get back with me but I don't want her. Look, I might be a jerk sometimes but I'm not a cheater like her. I could never cheat on someone." He admitted. I was still frowning.
So that was the truth. Natalia cheated on Ryan and he broke up with her, but she still wants him.
"I'm sorry Ryan..." I said as I gave him a hug. The hug was long and warm. It was much needed.
Ryan's arms slid from around my waist as he leg go of me. "I was drunk when I kissed her on my birthday. I guess my feelings were confused because it was my first time seeing her since four years. But I know that I don't want her. She's bad news. The girl trained for the Olympics just to be around me!"
I cringed. "Wow, that's extreme."
He picked up my bag and the both of us headed out of the arena. Every now and then someone would ask for a picture and we would stop and take one with them.
We walked around the beach for a while together in silence. Every once in a while he would start a conversation about something random. I would laugh, push him, and he would complain that I almost pushed him in the water.
After he walked me back to my room, he stopped and looked at me.
"Would you give me a chance?" He asked nervously.
"Depends." I said after a while.
"On what? I would love to take you out. Can I?" He asked before leaning in.
hmmm. cliffhanger! hahaha❤️

The Olympian Couple (A Ryan Lochte Fan Fic)
Fanfiction22 year old Melanie Day is a world champion at Beach Volleyball. It's 2016 and it will be her second time at the olympics. What happens when a certain swimmer gets in the way of her concentration at winning gold at the Olympics?