"From the remains of a broken heart, a humble mind was made."
What was once an uneasy, awkward, and nihilistic person turned into a humble, charismatic, and spiritual guy.
How? His heart was broken.Martin was very reserved and socially strange in the past, but, after he grew a deep infatuation with a girl, and she grew that infatuation back, they got into trouble in the worst way. A spiral of down award emotions came in the form of a forced break up, and it made him worse than ever. After a long period of depression, he realized something. "I know know where the bottom is, what it feels like, and how to get there." Because of this, he slowly began to become more spiritual, and seek the opposite of the emotional rock bottom; the emotional peak. He began to be more social, more joyful, and more content with life. He slowly became the person he is today. A happy, humble, and sweet hearted person.
Martin is typically 18.
Martin has a fear of relationships due to his past. His comfort zone is the friend zone.
Martin is very friendly, and tends to only want the best for the people he is around. He uses his wisdom of love and life to somewhat counsel those who need it.
Martin's birthday is April 20th
Martin, after his revision on life, began to take very good care of his body. He is now very fit and muscular, despite being thin as the average twig. He often low-key shows off his good form by wearing tight t-shirts and tops.
Martin has a tendency to spend entire days just thinking. He's a bit like a sphinx, always thinking in the back of his mind, and when he focuses that thinking power, stuff gets real! He studies over Zen riddles, Impossible statements, and some lighter things like poetry and theological mysteries.