After the events that happened yesterday I heard that Principal Burns suspended Danger and Brent for 3 days. Apparently it was only a prank, from what I heard and they didn't just steal Principal Burns's toupee, they also trashed his office and broke his trophy case. I couldn't really believe what I was hearing honestly.
It's already lunch time and we're all eating in silence. But the boys are no where to be found, I can understand why Danger and Brent aren't here, what I don't get is why Connor and Greg aren't.
"Have you guys seen Connor and Greg?" Onyx breaks the silence.
We all just simultaneously shake our heads in response.
Franny sighs from beside me. "I miss those buffoons." She said with her eyes casted downward.
"Same." I replied.
Alyssa has been on her phone the whole time not really paying attention to our conversation.
"I just can't believe they would do that. What the fuck were they thinking doing such an upscale prank." I said with pure frustration in my tone.
"Yeah, I understand that they like to prank and make trouble most of the times but this just went too far. Breaking school property is a serious offense that could end in expulsion." Franny said while stabbing her spaghetti.
My body freezes when I heard the word expulsion. No! Danger can't get expelled! He has so much to accomplish and this wouldn't be good on his record. He might find it hard to get into college, God! Lisa would be devastated! Shit Danger! Why would you do this, knowing everything that would be at stake.
I brush my hair out of frustration. I need to talk to him.
"I got it!" Alyssa suddenly exclaimed catching all of our attention.
"What is it?" Onyx asked her looking at her weirdly.
"Girls we have somewhere to be at." She suddenly announced having a determined glint in her eyes.
"Right now? But we still have class." Franny being the voice of reason in the group, reminds us.
"This is more important than school, well not really that more important, but this is important to all of us. If we truly care about those meat-heads and want to help them then join me." She said to us trying to sound inspiring but was still somehow effective.
"Okay, I'm in." I said first, putting on my determined face.
"Oh, what the hell. I have History anyway, I would have just fallen asleep right away. I'm fucking in." Onyx said in excitement.
We all stared at Franny expectantly and she looks hesitant for a second but then just rolled her eyes at all of us and said, "Fine, count me in."
"For the meat-heads!" Alyssa yelled out so we all follow, "FOR THE MEAT-HEADS!"
We all stand up and follow Alyssa out of the cafeteria then out of the school and to the parking lot. I feel a bit nervous about doing this. God! this the first time I cut class. The seriousness of it all is just dawning at me.
"Um, can we at least know what we're getting ourselves into?" Franny asked, what I was also itching to ask Alyssa but beat me to it.
"Well, we're going full private investigators right now." Alyssa vaguely answered.
"What?" I asked in confusion.
"Onyx did you bring your professional camera?" Alyssa asked Onyx and dismissed me.
"You mean my DSLR?" Onyx clarified.
"Yes woman! DSLR and camera are both the same thing." She answered sounding annoyed.

Teen Fiction"We're so jealous of you!" They say that whenever you're around me. "Envy doesn't necessarily have to be negative you know. You're the good kind of envy." He gave me a goofy grin I started to think differently about you. But I'm so afraid of this wh...