Blue's pov
As soon as the words leave my mouth, I go into a coughing fit. It felt really weird to actually talk.
"Oh my God! Did you just- You just- Blue just talked!" Michael screams,freaking out. The other three were just as excited.
"Says something else," Calum urges, his eyes bright. I try to speak again, but fail.
I grab his phone and type 'My voice isn't working again at the moment. I think it might take a little time for it to fully come back.' I tug on Calum's shirt to get his attention so that he could read my message.
"That's alright. It's just so awesome to actually hear you talk!" He exclaims.
"Your voice is really pretty," Ashton tells me. I make a face, not believing him for a second. My voice had come out all raspy. It sounded like I had a cold.
"I'll bet all of you anything that she can sing. That is, after Blue gets her voice back permanently," Michael challenges, holding me close to him. I laugh.
"I'm not making that bet because I think you'll win," Ashton replies, smiling at me.
"I thought you said your voice was gone," Luke teases, nudging my shoulder.
I take another deep breath, "I thought it was." All four boys grin wider.
"After almost twelve years of not talking, we finally broke your streak," Michael jokes. I laugh along with the other three.
"Your voice coming back is just in time for our trip back to Australia," Ashton notes. I give him a confused look.
"We're going back home in a week. It's not going to be a long trip, just about a week long. It's been a while since we saw our families though, so David booked us a week to go back," Calum explains. I nod.
"If you're wondering, Luke already called dibs on you for staying at his parents' house. Since you have the last name Hemmings, he gets first dibs or some stupid shit like that," Michael tells me. I giggle, nodding.
"She's my little sister, so she's staying with me. You guys can come visit whenever you want," Luke offers, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I relax into his side, leaning my head against his shoulder.
"People are going to be super shocked when you just randomly started talking. Imagine the looks on Hey Violet's faces!" Ashton giggles. I smile, trying to think about that. It didn't really work though. My brain was already preoccupied with the excitement of going to Australia. I don't know why I was even so excited about it. I just had a really good feeling about the trip.

Little Miss 5SOS
Fanfiction"What's your name?" The boy with curly hair asks, kneeling down in front of me. I sit there, watching him carefully. His three friends stood behind him. I swallow, then hold up a piece of my blue hair. He looks at me confused. They all do. "Blue,"...