8. Big Blues

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8. Big Blues

The next morning I felt like crap. I

mean more than usual. Yes, I had the

every day flash back and massive

headaches , but also my entire body was

sore as if I went through training last

night. With the 450 germane soldiers

again. In the jungle simulator back in Facility 7

(the battle sector).

But I knew that wasn't true because now I was a free

man to do what I could never do back in

the facility. Like go into a five star

hotel or what I'd call a 7 star hotel if I

was to grade it.

Neither would I have such a

romantic dinner with a woman( probably

three years older then me now that I

think of it) named Celeste. Which is

what I thought the most beautiful and

thought through name. Most parents

would just name their child what ever

came to mind. But her parents must have

really thought it through before

naming her.

Celeste, that's all I could think of.

Now my parents didn't think very hard

on my name. If I even have parents; for

all you know I could be some

genetically created clone or

something. I'm pretty sure I have

parents. Because I sometimes have

flashbacks of my "youth".

And yes I have more then just memories

of training or being crucially beaten for not doing an

assassination mission right.

Even when I was 7 and I had to

assassinate the French ambassador's

twin brother in Cannes , France because

he was planning to assassinate his

brother and replace him as if nothing


Of course I was beaten

because I was only 7 and I couldn't keep

my silenced sniper rifle steady and had

to go in manually. I had to kill all the

surrounding guards with only a combat

knife. And kill the French ambassador's

brother with my shoelace so that there

wouldn't be any traces to me.

But some dirt and mud obviously got

on my shoelaces from the rain outside

at the time. The reason I was beaten

nearly to death was because I left mud

and dirt on the guys neck and

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