*A/N I don't know if I can name all of the chapters so I might just change them to Ch1 like that .. Enjoy*
*Phil's POV*
I just read Dan's message and well I have to say I'm really excited for tomorrow. I sit on my floor looking at some old games and pull out Donkey Kong! Yes! I've been looking for this game since a while ago! I put it in and play it for a few hours.I pause my game and look at the time. It says 9:00 pm. I guess I could take a shower and then go to bed.
The next morning I wake up at 7:00 and I decide before I leave to go to Nando's I could make a quick video and edit it.
I hook up my camera and start the video. About two hours later I finish its about 9:30 I decide I should start editing the video and then get ready. I message Dan a quick message.
PHIL: Hey Dan I'm just editing a video real quick and if I'm late that's the reason. Can't wait to meet up soon.
Man that sound a little bit flirty. Oh well. A hour later Dan messages me back.
DAN: Hey Phil it no big deal I'm doing the same.
PHIL: Okay well I'm almost done ill finish later. See you in a bit.
DAN: Okay Phil see you in a bit.
*A/N some chapters will be short and some will be longer. I will most likely be switching the POV of Dan and Phil so when you see their name and POV it means it has switched.*
*Dan's POV*
I got up off my lazy ass to get dressed to meet up with Phil later. I call for an uber. An half hour passes and my uber has arrived I made sure i had my flat keys and phone. I message Phil.
DAN: Hey on my way to Nando's see you in about 15.
PHIL: Okay see you then.
There is little traffic today so hopefully I can get there in time. The driver pulls up and I pay him and give him a too for playing some Muse.
I exit the car and I see Phil. I was just stunned about he looked. He ..well there were no words to explain how good he looked.
" Hey Phil. How are you tonight?"
" Hey and I'm doing great," he sounded a bit northern, " how are you?"
"I'm okay." Honestly I felt like shit.
"Should we go in?" He asked his voice sounded a bit awkward.
"Yea." I responded
We walk in and there really wasn't anyone there. Well at least I didn't have to be around a lot a people. A waiter walked over to us and he sat us down.
"Could I help you to something to drink?"
"Yea umm.. I'll have a lemonade." Phil said.
"I'll have the same."
"Sure thing." The waiter said as he walked away.
*Phil's POV*
After the waiter left I looked twords Dan. He looked so adorable.
"So Dan you mentioned that you were editing a video."
"Oh yea ..I was." He said a bit nervous
"I didn't know you had a YouTube channel."
He laughed "Yea I guess I forgot to tell you. Its Danisnotonfire"
"Oh cool I'll have to check it out." I laughed. I saw the waiter coming over.
"Here are your drinks gentlemen. What would you like to eat." He said smiling
"Um Dan do you know what you want?"
"Yea ... In could I have the chicken tacos?"
"Sure thing and you sir?"
"I can't really decide so I'll have the same."
We sat and talked for a while. A few hours pasted and it was already 4:00. We talked about a lot of things. Turns out we have a lot of things in common. We exchange numbers and I paid for his meal.
"Phil I could have gotten that. "
"No it's fine I don't mind really."
"Okay I'll pay you back. But thanks anyways." He smiles brightly but I know he forced it." Hey I don't live that far from her."
" Yea I only live a few blocks away. Hey I could walk you home? Is that okay with you?"
"Yea I would actually love the company."
I let out a quiet sigh of relief.
We walk to his flat I I realise his building is right across from mine. I told him I live right across from him and he said cool you should come over sometime. I said sure why not and we went our separate ways. When I got in my flat the first thing u did was take off all my clothes and get into my PJs and finished editing the video. I stayed up till 12 am and then I decided I wanted to sleep.
*A/N this is a long chapter and sorry for any spelling mistakes. I will be uploading the next chapter tomorrow. Goodnight!*

Staying Up
Fanfictionthis is a phan fiction its all lovely dovey but nothing to smutty.