Ren Ending

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(Y/n) huffed and panted in irregular patterns, trying to regain a steady flow of oxygen before she began pumping her legs to print up the street. Allowing her feet to automatically escape out of the area, (Y/n) pushed away every other doubt in her mind that would deter her from the goal ahead and simply pushed on with the objective of enlarging the proximity between her and her prison.

As she entered areas that seemed like foreign paths to her, she slowed down her stride to regain a bit of stamina, as well as try and get a grasp of her surroundings. The female stopped to lean against a wall in a panting manner, attempting to reestablish her rhythm of breathing. She looked around herself to familiarise with the surroundings.

'Calm down. I just need to see which way I should go to get to my house...but where am I?' Scanning through the roads, she could barely connect the environment to her memories. 'I've been here before, right...? Damn it, I should have thought ahead before starting to run!' She inwardly scolded herself for her sporadic instincts and gave out a low huff of frustration.

She focused her sights at a bend in the road and mapped her next destination with the aid of her recollection of the journey. Analysing her chances and coordinates she spent a moment planning the rest of her route with careful precision before proceeding to take cautious steps towards the assigned path,straying away from the area.

Before the female had even taken a few paces away from her resting spot, her body automatically froze at the sound of a chilling click echoing from behind her. (Y/n) stood solid as she could barely comprehend the inclination of heavy, susurrus pants. She hesitantly pivoted her head back to be apprehended by the male she had previously outwitted and escaped from.

The female's breath ceased to fill her lungs as she stared at the weapon pointed at her form. The boy held the gun unsteadily as he tried to gain a rhythm to his breathing from what seemed to be a desperate chase that was proven fruitful. His hand soon stabilised along with his respiratory system before menacingly focusing on his target.

"R-Ren...? But how? I gave you-"

"Sleeping pills?" He mockingly finished her sentence as though her choice of attack was inept compared to her needed effect. The dark eyed male shook his head to indicate his disapproval. "You give sleeping pills to a man who can't sleep...didn't I already tell you those worthless things can't help me anymore?" He stared at the frightened female as his grip on the gun tightened in fury.

(Y/n) widened her eyes as her attention was drawn back to the source of her inevitable death. "Ren, please...just calm down-"

"Excuse me?! You've got no right to be acting so eloquent and sensible after what you did to me!" The female inwardly retracted at the unseen sight of the musician's dormant rage. She wanted to take a step back but her mind kept discouraging the provoking action as well as her body refusing to relax its muscles. "You used me. I was the first one to be on your side when you were backed against the wall and then you decided to take advantage of that."

The girl shook her head in calm demeanour -trying to keep her panic from spilling through the seams- and attempted to settle the raved boy as he took a few steps towards her. "Ren, I'm sorry. I needed to do something and I needed a way to get out. Permanently." Nevertheless, the male continued his slow stride towards her with an unwavering glare.

"I was willing...I was willing to give you the freedom you needed. All be it, not what you wanted but we've gone over the reasons why you were to remain where you are. You let my guard down." The boy was only a few feet away from the stumped girl, the gun stretched out and pointed at her head. "Then you made yourself look vulnerable and dependent so I can give you what you wanted." His steps were inches apart from the female as her bones shook with the point-blank proximity of the weapon. "And then..." (Y/n) lightly whimpered as she gazed at the merciless charcoal eyes that captured her sight in a noxious scowl while the male's expression shifted into one of disgrace and anger. "You manipulated my feeling towards you...that kiss, was worth so much to me at that moment while it was nothing but an escape measure for you." The female gulped as her whole body tremored at the male's vicious tone.

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"Don't do this, don't do this..." The quivering words escaped the female's lips as her lungs began desperately intaking oxygen to accommodate for her frantic heart. However, the boy narrowed his gaze and seemed undeterred by her plea.

"You think I'll let you go at this point? If...if only you could just stay with me...if only you could be only mine...that would be nice, wouldn't it?" The girl drew her focus back to the barrel of the weapon as she saw the boy tightening his finger on the trigger, leaving a black sheet to envelop the girl's mind as all her senses fixed for her death.

"No!" She screamed in desperation, tightly shutting her lids to prepare for her imminent demise. However, instead of the final blast she expected to hear, as a bullet would rip through the small space of air and into her head, a dull click was heard as she stood shaking in terror, deluding that time had stopped. As she opened her eyes with disbelief, there was nothing that had changed from her previous sighting as the gun stood pointed at her with the trigger pressed.

The girl felt an arm wrapping itself around her quivering form, enveloping her in its warmth. As the weapon fell from its target, Ren looped the spare arm around her to fully embrace her shaken body. (Y/n) had to take a few seconds to reassess the scene before the puzzles could properly fit in her head. Her body stiffened at his touch as the boy held her close with a longing grasp, keeping his hands crossed over at her back.

"It was...empty...?" The girl nervously concluded, earning a small chuckle resonating against her ear.

"I wanted a measure that would make sure you didn't try and run away from me..." He slid his hand up to hold the girl's head and push her stiff body further into him to establish a clear grasp on her. "But you've been such a disobedient girl my think I can trust you after that deceitful behaviour?" The female gulped and as her breath shook while entering her lungs. Ren chose to avoid making eye contact with her, mindful of revealing the coveted intentions behind the darkness. "That's why I'll need to take precautions to make sure you're never able to do that again..."

The girl furrowed her brow at the hanging comment before she felt the male's supporting structure disappear before her as a hand pushed the female with relentless harshness. (Y/n) was thrown to the ground face down, forcing loud coughs from her impacted lungs. Before her head could stop ringing from the blow, she felt a great pressure on her legs. As she looked back to evaluate the disturbance she discovered the boy had taken to rest on top of her hamstring muscles, having his back turned to the bewildered female. "Ren, what are you doing?!"

The boy remained silent as the girl tried to crawl or roll out of his body weight to no avail, securing her in a restricted position. The boy's conscience shunned him from daring to glance at the vulnerable girl as his next actions would equalise with her betrayal. (Y/n) grunted and huffed with each attempt to unlatch her legs from the boy's pressure. Swinging back with her feet to kick him only ended in his blocking defence, while her back could not bend or flex far enough to reach him with her hands.

"Ren, what's going on here?! What are you doing, get off?!" On the contrast to her demand, the musician continued to stare contemplatively at her feet before he chose to make a move into reaching into his pocket.

"Do you know what the Achilles Heel is...?" The girl stared at him in wonder as she tried to find some sort of recognition to the name. After receiving no response, Ren let out a deep sigh. "It's a tendon at the back of the leg that connects the calf muscle to the heel bone...when the calf muscles flexes the Achilles tendon pulls on the heel. It allows us to stand on our toes and allows us to run and jump properly." The female attempted to follow the boy's track of inference and as he pulled an object from his pocket her mind snapped at the realisation that was thrown at her.

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