Angel 7

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"Yuri!!" Hyoyeon yelled

Yuri is currently looking at the balcony wearing an idiot smile on her face.

"What.." she answered without paying attention to Hyoyeon

They were inside Sehun's room, Sehun and Yoona are currently watching them with a frown.

"Unnie, what happened to her?" Yoona asked Hyoyeon pointing Yuri

Hyoyeon heaved a sigh "I don't know either.."

"Yuri, what happened to you?" Yoona asked

Without receiving any reply, Hyoyeon went near her and start yanking her neck. Yuri yelp "Y-yah! Unnie!!" Yuri yelp

"Tell me what happened or else I wouldn't let your neck go!"

"F-fine!" Yuri surrendered, Hyoyeon finally let go of her neck "It's a private matter.."

Hyoyeon turned and face Sehun "Sehun will you leave us here? Just for a moment."

"I will go out of my own room?"

"Yes, do you have problems with that?" Hyoyeon glares

Sehun gulped "N-nothing.." he said then made his way out of his own room.

When Sehun finally went out, Hyoyeon glared at Yuri again. "Now Yuri! Tell us!"

"Fine.. it happened earlier.."

"And.." Hyoyeon asked

"I met this guy.." Yuri starts then she giggles making Hyoyeon more irritated "he's so handsome and that.."

"Wait! You mean you met a guy? A human guy?" Hyoyeon asked

"Yeah and he's so handsome and--"

"What?!!" Hyoyeon and Yoona both asked


"You mean, you met a guy? Did he know that you're an angel?" Hyoyeon asked

"Uhm.. yeah, but--"

"What??!!" Yoona and Hyoyeon said in unison again

"Are you really out of your mind, Yuri?" Hyoyeon whined "Why did you let a human saw your angel form?"

"It was just an accident okay? It's not really my intention to show myself on him." Yuri explained

"What really happened, Yul?" Yoona asked

"Well, I went here earlier because I want to see you, Yoona. But unfortunately, you're not here, so I decided to just leave, then this unexpected moment happened. When I'm about to fly away, my wings got stuck on the door, so I pulled it out, I out of balance and fell on the next unit down. And that's it!" Yuri statesd

Yoona nods, Hyoyeon sit beside Yuri. "What did he said?" She asked

"Well.. he didn't did anything that can harm me, he's so gentle and kind and he's also handsome, unnie!" Yuri exclaimed, Yoona giggles

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"And then?"

"He said that, I should take care of myself since there's a lot of people now that can harm me--"

"That was so sweet, Yuri." Someone butted in.

They all turned and look at Sehun's balcony. "Sooyoung unnie?!" Yoona exclaimed

She walk towards them "I missed you, my dongsaeng." She mumbles then hug Yoona.

"When did you came back, Soo?" Hyoyeon asked

Sooyoung pulled from their hug and face Hyoyeon, "Just now. I didn't know you still persist of doing this mission with my dongsaeng. I told you that I'm against this right?"

"We don't have a choice, Sooyoung.." Hyoyeon mumbles, sadness can hear over her voice

Yuri is just staring at them with the same expression as Hyoyeon, Yoona couldn't understand anything.

Sooyoung heaved a sigh and look at her dongsaeng "How are you here, Yoong?"

Yoona smile at her "It was amazing, unnie! I have many friends now, Sehun is really nice."

"Really?" She beamed, Yoona answered her with a hum. "Can I meet that Sehun guy, now?"

"Sure! I'll call him." Yoona said before she exited the room to call Sehun.

"We're sorry, Soo.." Hyoyeon mumbles

"I'm just worried about her.." Sooyoung mutter "She'll be hurt if the plan won't work, right?"

Hyoyeon and Yuri slowly nod with their heads duck down "Seohyun will wake up soon.. we still didn't see any signs from Sehun and from Yoona also.." Yuri admitted

"Do you have any alternative plans?"

"To be honest, we don't.." Hyoyeon answered

Sooyoung was about to say something when the door suddenly opened, revealing Yoona and Sehun.

Sehun's eyes went wide the moment he saw another angel with Hyoyeon and Yuri. It's tall and beautiful like the others, it's looking at him without any emotions.

"Unnie, this is Sehun." Yoona said. "Sehun, she's my sister."

Sehun nodded and bow, Sooyoung went near him and looked at him from head to toe, "So, you're Sehun.."

"Uhm, yeah.." Sehun answered

Sooyoung nodded, "Please take care of my sister until you get through the mission.." she mumbles

After receiving a nod from Sehun, she lean and whisper something to Sehun. Afterwards she turned and face Hyoyeon and Yuri "We have to go now. And Yuri, I heard all what you said, you know that being an angel in human's vision is against the rule, you'll receive a punishment because of that."

Yuri slowly nodded, they all faced Sehun and Yoona. "You're leaving now?" Yoona asked

"Ne, we will come back so don't be sad." Hyoyeon said

"She's right, take care of yourself here." Sooyoung added

Yoona nodded, "Okay, bye bye~"

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