chapter 8 help

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john 3:16 for God so love the world that he gave his only son and whosoever believeth in shall parish but have everlasting life

Michael Clark Duncan


being in here showed how much i wanted my freedom back prison i was at not rehab it really had me thinking should i have really felt bad for killing my girlfriend Danielle? should have i have any sorry bone in my body? how long will i be in here will i ever see the outside of these wall again?,

i have to repent if its the last thing, i do .: lord i know i have messed up in my time, please forgive me lord. i didn't mean to do it, watch over me Jesus, touch ashlee and her brother, i was crying tears was in my eyes. when i said,

Amen i was shook to didn't know. what was going to happen to me ,. young blood and skin head look at me crazy, aye why you getting misty on us.

Jesus I'm not getting soft just, praying to God.

oh the blood and skin head said, i can tell u new .how cause "you have fresh meat written all over you".

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