Chapter 2: Our project

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"Did she just say Niall and Christa?" I asked Lacy, anger clear in my voice. "Come on Chris, it's not going to be as bad as you think! What did I tell you yesterday?" I pondered over our conversation yesterday, then realized what she was talking about. "To get to know him better." She smiled and nodded. "Exactly. Maybe he won't be such a bad guy, just don't jump to conclusions okay?" Before I could say anything, Harry walked over to us. "So, which one of you girls is Lacy?" He asked, motioning to me and Lacy.

"I am!" Lacy said, a bit to cheerfully. I watched as Harry smirked and eyed her up and down. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Shall we get started?" He asked her. "We shall." She smiled, and then walked over to where they were assigned to sit. "Come on El, let's go get started!" Louis said, pulling Eleanor's arm. "I'll meet you over there in a second." She kissed him, and he nodded and walked away. After he was out of ear shot, she turned to look at me and then whispered, "Take my advice, babe. Don't end up being one of Niall's one night stands. Keep your guard up." I nodded, and she walked away.

"Hey Christa." I turned just in time to see Niall walk over to me smiling. 'Keep calm Christa, its just a project.' "Hi Niall." I said a bit to harshly. "Well, should we get started?" I nodded, and motioned for him to sit down. "Well, what kind of music do you like?" He asked, looking down at his hands. "Well, I like everything really. Music has always been an escape for me, but my favorite music would have to be Pop or R&B songs. So anything in those categories." "I'm sorry what was that?" He asked. He obviously wasn't listening to me, and I wasn't going to explain myself again. "Nevermind." I snapped.

I looked up and down the list of song choices, and one song in particular caught my eye. "Lets do this one!" I circled the song 'Stay' by Rihanna. He just groaned. "Why do you get to pick the song?" He whined. "Because, you can't even listen to once simple sentence, so why would I let you pick the song? We're doing this one. End of story." He just rolled his eyes and scoffed.

I honestly don't understand why he has to be such a jerk to people. He didn't even know me that well, but yet he was being rude. It's probably because I'm not throwing myself at him like all of the other sluts he slept wi- There I go. Judging someone without even knowing them. Before either of us could say anything, the bell rang. He jumped out of his seat so fast that I couldn't even say goodbye.

"So how was it?" Lacy asked, catching up to me. "Honestly, I don't know. He was okay at the beginning, but then he just started being a jerk. I don't know what his problem is, but I don't want any part of it. After this project, I'm never talking to that stupid Frat Boy ever again." Lacy just sighed and shook her head. "What class do we have now?" I took out my schedule and confirmed that we had Media Production next.

As we walked into the classroom, my mouth dropped in awe. The classroom looked just like a movie theatre. The seats were actual movie theatre chairs. As I looked around the room, I noticed the same group of boys from my last class. That meant that Niall was there. Oh joy. "Hey Chris, I'll be right back, I have to talk to Harry about something!" Before I could say 'alright,' Lacy ran off to Niall and his group.

"Hey! I'm Danielle! You're Christa right? You were in my last class?" I spun around to make eye contact. "Yeah! I'm so happy to actually have people I know in my classes." She smiled, revealing perfectly straight and white teeth. This girl was absolutely gorgeous. She has perfectly curly brown hair, a perfect figure, and a gorgeous smile. I was snapped out of my trance by Danielle waving her hand in front of my face. "You Okay?" She asked, looking concerned. "Yeah sorry, just got a lot on my mind."

Everyone took their seats just as the bell rang. Everyone was off into their own little side conversations as the professor walked in. "Hello guys! I'm Mr. Wright, and I'll be your professor this year!" My eyes almost popped out of my head. He was so handsome. He had perfect blonde-brown hair that was swept off to the side, and bright green eyes, and perfectly toned muscles.

A chorus of "Hello Mr. Wright's" echoed around the room. I noticed that every girl in the room had their full attention turned to our professor, and the guys just rolled their eyes. "Today, we will just do a couple activities to get to know each other better. The first one we will do will require groups that I will assign to you momentarily."

As he read the names of the groups, everyone got up and moved around. "Group one will consist of Lacy, Danielle, Christa, Zayn, and Niall." Again, I was stuck with the jackass. "Group two will be Liam, Harry, Louis, Eleanor, and Perrie." I rolled my eyes as we all got into our groups. Niall walked up right behind me and asked if he could talk to me. "What do you want?" He sighed. "Look, I know that I have been a bit of a jerk to you, and I'm sorry." I scoffed and gave a sarcastic smile. "Save it. I don't want anything to do with you or your little group of frat boys. After our project, and this are over, don't expect me to talk to you ever again." I turned around on my heel and walked over to the rest of my group.

I watched as Niall walked over to Zayn and sat next to him. Oh great, two assholes in my group. "Today, we will start by going around our group members, and introducing ourselves, saying where we're from, and a few facts about ourselves. Simple but effective." A few groans chorused around the room, but I didn't really mind. "Okay, Christa, you start." I stood up nervously. I was never one to be confident, so speaking in front of the entire class, while all their attention was directed to me, was a bit nerve wracking.

"Well, My names Christa Becker, I'm from Mullingar, Ireland, and a few facts about me are that I have been a singer since I was 8, Ive done gymnastics since I was 5 and I'm a dancer." I kept my eyes focused on the ground, to embarrassed to look up. "Very Nice." Mr. Wright announced. "Niall, you're up!" Niall stood up, cleared his throat and began to speak. "My names Niall Horan, I'm from Mullingar, Ireland, and a few facts about me are that I'm a natural brunette, I love singing, and I have braces." The rest of the class consisted of the rest of us introducing ourselves and getting to know each other better.

"Okay class, tomorrow, we are going to start brainstorming for our first project of the year!" Just as Mr. Wright finished his sentence, the bell rang, signaling our free period time.


Hey guys! So how do you like the story so far? Should I keep going, or should I stop it all together! Message me or comment on some ideas you want to see in the story! Love you guys!


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