Introduction Autumn

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In the deep forest where the leaves were falling, there was a girl, crouching next to a tree. It was like she was watching the leaves fall.

Oh wait, she is.

As the next leave fell, she picked it up and frowned. Damn it Spring, you the leave is still green. You know I like it all orange and red. She let it go and went back to what she was doing.

Which she forgot what she was doing.

Autumn was timid and anti social, and not to mention forget things easily if it it important. For example, when she try to get something, she tries to seduce them, which doesn't work at all. If that doesn't work, like it said never works, she tries to bribe them. And if both doesn't work, she just pulls out a gun and threatens them. Spring and Autumn was pretty much best friends, while being neutral with Summer and never talked nor seen Winter.
Any way getting off track.
She was getting bored, and decided to go back watching leaves. Then the siren went off.
Being the complete doofus I am, I didn't publish my chapters until now. Anyway leave a comment of how my story is.


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