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"How did those to meet?" Asked a shiny who was cleaning his armor after Rocket and Saber sprayed it with pink paint. His voice was filled with annoyance.

Ranger sighed. "I don't really know. They both came from different squads at first. When they joined our squad they were already like this." Ranger was leaning against the wall he was in his pilot armor. 

"Think will ever find out?" Asked the shiny.

"Dought it," Ranger said sighing a bit as he sat down only to trigger a can of paint that had glitter and was glow in the dark to fall on him. "ROCKET! SABER!" He shouted in anger and annoyance as he stood up and stormed down the hall to try and find Rocket and Saber.

Rocket and Saber were in a secret compartment. They watched as Ranger passed them. They just smiled at each other. Once they were positive they were alone they broke int a fit of laughter. They fell each other laughing. 

"This reminds me of when we first met and it was seven years ago to this day from the day we met." Said Saber grinning.

"Greatest day of my life," Rocket said.

"I thought you said the greatest day of you life will be when you get married or have a kid," Saber said sitting up.

"Well I am not married and I don't have a kid yet. So. It's the day I met my little vod!" he said grabbing him and ruffling his hair.

"We are twins," Saber said.

"That's beside the point." Rocket said letting Saber go. He sat back and stretched. "I'm hungry. Think it's safe to go to the mess?" He asked.

"No. So that's why I brought this!" Rocket said pulling out some candy.

"Where did you get that?" He asked happily. 

"I borrowed it from the Captain," He said grinning brightly. 

Seven years earlier

A young clone sat curled up and alone. His head was buried in his arms, his knees pulled all the way up to his chest. He was crying, he had a bruise mark on his check and a few scratches on his arms. He pressed himself against the wall and shivered. He was soaking wet from running in the rain. 

"Hey. You okay?" A sudden voice asked him. The little clone looked up tears stained his face. He looked up at another clone who was also soaking wet. His hair clung to his neck like a little kid who clung to its mother.

"No..." The other clone replied pulling his knees closer.

"What's wrong?" Asked the other clone plopping down next to him.

"The kaminions..." He said. "They say I am an osik'la and an shu'shuk." He was quiet for a few moments than whispered. "Which I am..."

"Your not that!" The other clone said. "Your just different like everyone esle."

The clone managed a smile and said, "Thank you." The other clone then hugged him tightly and said, "No problem vod. I'm Rocket by the way."

"Saber," he replied smiling a bit. "What are you doing in this part of the city though?"

"Oh. I kinda played a prank on one of my trainers....they are out for blood now. You?" He asked.

"I messed up on somethings and the Kamimoan.........they then hurt me for doing so and began calling me a...." Saber began to say but got cut off by Rocket suddenly tackling him and making his hair a mess.

"Hey! Let me go!" He said struggling against his brother but he ended up breaking down laughing.

"We both can be found an osik'al together," he said.

"I think I'll like what is this prank you pulled on your trainer?" He asked.

"Well I had this fake explosive....." he began.

Present Day

Saber and Rocket fell asleep on each other after eating all the candy. Ranger did find them however he just looked at them cuddled next to each other and smiled. He then turned away and left them alone. Tomorrow he'll get back, but today he'll let them be.

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