Demon Misfit Gang

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I just found out Viv is working on a new project called Hazbin Hotel. And guess what?


*another unholy shriek*

For those of you who are not familiar with the Demon Misfit Gang, they are a group of... erm... demons lol. They all were really badies who died at some point, either beaten, killed, or whatever. But they were given a second chance, and now live in the Hazbin Hotel. Anyway, here they are!

Angel Dust! No one really knows what gender he is. Most people call him a 'he'. But he does dress up in dresses and looks like a woman at times. He was shot.

Vaggie! She is the love of Angel Dust's life :3 I'm not sure how she died

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Vaggie! She is the love of Angel Dust's life :3 I'm not sure how she died.

*one last shriek* Husk! My bae omfg!!!!!!!! He is my ultimate and utter most FAVORITE!!!!!!! Hes the best gambler anyone has ever ment

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*one last shriek* Husk! My bae omfg!!!!!!!! He is my ultimate and utter most FAVORITE!!!!!!! Hes the best gambler anyone has ever ment. Again. Not sure how he died...

Baxter! Lol you might be thinking that he's a doorman for the hotel or something

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Baxter! Lol you might be thinking that he's a doorman for the hotel or something. Truth is, I think so XD but he's originally dressed like that because he died on the titanic

 Truth is, I think so XD but he's originally dressed like that because he died on the titanic

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Nifty! She never seems like the demon type. But then again, neither did Aunty Em or Ms. Dobbs, did they? She was sadly beaten to death.

 Dobbs, did they? She was sadly beaten to death

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Mimzy! She gives me the worst headache ever. Not sure how she died.

Alastor! Like Camilla and Autumn, he can turn into a deer

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Alastor! Like Camilla and Autumn, he can turn into a deer. He drinks the blood of other deer, and can change into the shape over anyone else. His main victim is Autumn. He was shot I think. During hunting season XD

 During hunting season XD

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Crymini! She is werewolf. Not sure how she died. Her attitude amd temper is just insane, but I still love her lol.

 Her attitude amd temper is just insane, but I still love her lol

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And now this is how they sound!

Vivziepop Rants!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora