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"why did i ever agree to this?" castiel asked aloud, staring up at the gigantic house that was over flowing with sweaty, teenage bodies. shitty pop music played throughout the house so loud it was heard from outside, but in it's defense, nearly every window and door was open- most likely to help with the sticky atmosphere.

"because charlie begged you like the annoying geek she is," kevin retorted, shifting uncomfortably next to cas as he was not used to this type of life either.

on cue, the zealous redhead pushed herself in between the dainty asian and dark haired male. "oh, you love me!" charlie exclaimed, smiling widely and wrapping her arms around the boys' shoulders.

"sadly," sam muttered, joining the three as he brushed his long, dirty blonde hair out of his face.

charlie glared playfully at the tall, yet young winchester.

kevin nudged castiel slightly, nodding his head toward the house," it not like you have no experience with these types of things."

"shut up," cas dead panned, rolling his bright blue eyes as he huffed in annoyance. the asian was right- when he first entered high school, all the way up to last summer, castiel jimmy novak was big into the party scene: too big.

taking deep breaths, he advance towards the entrance, the other following, slightly worried for their easily triggered friend. after all, none of them wanted cas back in a rehabilitation center.

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