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Weathers - Happy Pills

"Meredith, for the last time, you can't have dessert until you've eaten your broccoli!" The brunette girl tried to control her temper as she tried to feed broccoli to her baby cousin. During her stay in her aunt's house, she'd understood the fact that babies were the worst and her cousin was the epitome of evil. The child grinned wickedly as she started to scream bloody murder, making her aunt come to the room.

"What is going on in here?" Her aunt took the little demon, scratch that, little angel and soothed her while glaring at Grey. "You can't feed her anything she doesn't want to eat."

"She only wants Mars bars!"

"Then you give her Mars bars!"

"Wh-You are a biology teacher. You ought to know that's not healthy." One glare from her aunt shut her up and she held up her hands in defeat, going back to the living room to do... She didn't know either. She just went back and sat in her unmade bed -which was her aunt's uncomfortable couch and a few blankets basically- and laid down. Only one day until I go back to school, she thought. She quite liked her school unlike her peers, she just wanted to succeed and school helped her along the way. She also couldn't wait to see her friends and her girlfriend Ariana. But if she were honest, anywhere but here sounded good to her right about now. 

Then her aunt walked into the living room, clumsily trying to put on her earring while talking animatedly. "Look, I'm heading out. Just do whatever she wants. I left money on the counter if you want to get pizza. Hey, are you listening to me?" She was trying not to, but miserably failing to do so, so she nodded and her aunt finally left for school.

After a few silent minutes, she began to grow suspicious. She was pretty sure her aunt didn't take Meredith with her, so what was up with the silence? Groaning, she left her beloved couch and slowly walked around, trying to find her cousin and hopefully prevent her from causing some kind of trouble. "Hey Mere, what are you up to?"

No reply came. "Meredith? Are we playing hide and seek?" 

After a few beats, a giggle came from the kitchen, and she could breathe again. She didn't know what her aunt would do if she accidentally lost her kid five minutes after she left.

"Meredith? Where are you? You hid so well, I couldn't find you anywhere!" Another giggle came as she slowly walked towards the kitchen. "Can you give me a hint? Meredith?"

Time slowed down as she finally entered the kitchen and saw her cousin play with her brand new teleporter. The extremely expensive, fragile one she spent all month saving up for, might she add. She needed to proceed with extreme caution or else she knew her teleporter would be long gone, so she grabbed the twenties her aunt left and waved them towards her in hopes to get her attention. "Mere, look! I got those green papers you like. Come on, give me the teleporter and they are all yours. All yours, okay?" Meredith was more than interested in the offer, so she slowly dropped the teleporter to her lap and reached for the money. "I'm going to give them to you and get my teleporter back now. Here, here is the money." She slowly gave her the money as she reached for her lap, but all she could do was grab onto Meredith as the white light of the teleporter engulfed them and she lost her consciousness with the now slightly broken teleporter, her cousin and forty dollars in her hands.

Almost, she thought as her mind slowly started to shut down. I almost had it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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