The Camel

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Twilight is not mine. Never will be mine. Ever. *WAAAH!* David, Lizzie and Marie are mine in a literary sense. Ren, too.

I do apologize with the sporadic updates with this one. I struggle with this story and finding the momentum is tough. With that being said, please be patient with me on this one. I do intend to finish it. It'll probably take time. I'm hoping to be finished with this by Christmas-time. I've planned out the remainder of the story. It's looking to be around thirty chapters, plus an epilogue. I just need to write it. *Snorts*

Who wants to kick Edward's ass right now? I love him, don't get me wrong, but fuck me with his comments. I understand his frustration and his ire, but to take it out on his wife? The woman he loves more than his own life? He's got some serious ass-kissing to do. Just sayin.

Chapter Twenty-Five: The Camel


What have I done?

The woman I love more than anything just walked out on me because of my actions, my words...

"I don't fucking care, Bella. Your mom is a fucking psycho and she's ruining everything. How in the hell am I supposed to keep all of this bottled in? How am I supposed to know if you're not going to turn out like her?"

I'm such a douchebag. I cupped my cheek and the sting of her palm was apparent. However, the emptiness in my heart was more troublesome. Troublesome? You completely shattered the trust of your soul mate because you had a bad day, asshole. You deserve it.

"Daddy? Where's Mommy?" David asked, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

Crap. I acted like a monster in front of my wife AND my kids. They're going to hate me.

"She took Marie and Lizzie to get ice cream, David," I said woodenly, turning to face him. He was holding his stuffed Simba, cowering slightly.

"Why were you fighting?" he asked, toddling over to me and slipping his hand into mine.

"Because I'm an asshole," I responded darkly. David tugged on my hand, pointing the swear jar. I shook my head and lifted him onto the counter. "David, I messed up. Big time."

"Why? You're my dad. You're perfect," David said, frowning slightly.

"I'm not perfect, David. I hurt your mom with my words," I sniffled, tears falling from my eyes. "I don't know what to do..."

"Mommy will forgive you. She loves you," David said, pressing his hand to my cheek. The same cheek that was barking at me because Bella slapped me across my face.

I held it to my face and kissed my son's palm. Unlikely, little man. "Thanks, David. Why don't you go up to the playroom? I'll make you some dinner," I said, kissing his forehead, trying to ignore the crushing pain I was feeling in my chest. He hugged me, snuggling under my chin. Squeezing him gently, I helped him onto the floor and watched him run up the stairs. Once he was gone, I fell to my knees and my stupidity washed over me. I sobbed for my callous words. I sobbed for the unbelievable hurt I saw in my Bella's eyes when I accused her of turning into her mother.

"I don't fucking care, Bella. Your mom is a fucking psycho and she's ruining everything. How in the hell am I supposed to keep all of this bottled in? How am I supposed to know if you're not going to turn out like her?"

Again, I ask...what have I done?

The day had started off normally. I waved at the security team parked across the street from my house as I drove to the hospital. They tipped their thermoses at me and I headed off to my slew of meetings. During one of the breaks, my secretary slipped into my office and whispered that two FBI agents were at the hospital to see me. Walking out of my office, I greeted Agent Goss and Agent Jones. Agent Jones looked quite contrite while Agent Goss looked like he was about to lose a gasket. "Is there a place where we can talk?" asked Agent Goss.

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