"Ha! Ya dork" Sehun said.
"Stop picking on him!" You said.
"Oh no Miss Popular is here!" Kai said with a goofy voice.
You shouted at Kai, "Don't call me that,"
Sehun looked at you, "No, just because you're popular doesn't mean we have to listen to you."
You grabbed the kid the popular kids were picking on and told him to run to the principal's office to tell them about this.
Sehun rolled his eyes and put on a fake smile, "Wow, snitching on us."
You smiled, "You're welcome,"
"Doesn't matter bro, look at her." Kai checked you out from head to toe.
SeHun scoffed, "Yeah, can't blame her."
The bell rang and you headed to class.
The teacher smiled, "Today we have a new student,"
The new kid bowed down and looked at everyone, "Hi, i'm Jeon Jungkook."
Oh my god. Why's he so cute?
The teacher looked around the room and saw a stop next to Sehun, "Sit next to him," Jungkook moved towards Sehun. "Alright, let's start."
During class you kept thinking SeHun and Kai are definitely going to hurt Jungkook.
Finally class was over and lunch was going to start.
Sehun stood up and looked over at Kai with the bitch-let's-do-this face. "Hey kid, nice haircut."
Jungkook smiled, "oh thanks,"
SeHun and Kai has made a plan already. SeHun would talk to Jungkook and pat his back secretly putting a note on his back. The note said " Kick, punch, or spit on me"
You waited for Jungkook to leave the classroom. Then you followed him to take the note off. Once he stopped you took the note off. Jungkook felt you taking off the note and looked at you with silence.
You apologized and said, "Sorry, I'm in your class my name is, y/n l/n."
"Oh hi, what were you doing?" Jungkook asked.
You showed him the note and waved it around, "Taking off this note. Sehun and Kai did this, don't trust them."
"Thanks," Jungkook smiled.
"No problem," you said then went to the lunchroom in search for your friends."
Your friend, Jamie, looked at you as you sat down and said, "Oh my god. Have you seen the new kid. He's so ugly!"
Yuri nodded her head in agreement and said, "I know right! I believe his name is Jeon Jungkook. Pretty name. Ugly face."
Unfortunately, Jungkook walked passed by and heard them. You saw that he placed his plate on the table across from them. Then he ran away.
You stood up and looked at your disgusted friends, "You guys are mean!"
You ran after Jungkook. He ran all the way to the back of the school.
"Jungkook!" You said as you ran to be next to him, "are you okay?"
Jungkook teared up and said, "no, this is why I always is switching schools! People always pick on me!"
Seeing Jungkook cry made you feel heartbroken.
You comforted Jungkook, "Well how about I be your first friend here."
Jungkook looked up at you with the most innocent smile you've ever seen.
You smiled. Jungkook stopped crying. Then you asked if Jungkook wanted to go a restaurant instead of school lunch. He said yes and you both went to the nearest restaurant.
You saw on the clock that class probably started.
The teacher was about to start class until he noticed something wrong. "Where's Jeon Jungkook and y/n l/n?"
SeHun laughed, "Probably making out somewhere."
Kai laughed then stopped, "wait isn't she your girlfriend."
"Oh shit she is," Sehun stopped laughing.
The teacher rolled his eyes and began class.
Jungkook and you were having a great time at the restaurant and not at that place where satanic rituals were taken.
"You're really pretty," Jungkook said out of nowhere.
"Oh, uhm. Thanks." You said. "You are too.."
howdy my cowboys/girls
finally edited (12/14/18)
literally only took me like fifthteen mins lol

The Populars, The Nerds, and The Loner [completed]
FanfictionThere's a new kid in your school as he gets bullied already on his first day. As the most popular person in your school, how do you react? DISCLAIMER: When I gave birth to this book i soon realized it was a mistake but for some reason people like mi...