Chapter ten.

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I got in to the car as Fergal packed up our bags. Carmella gave me a hug before getting in to back seat of Enzo's car. I giggled as fergal sucked on my neck and bit a little. "Babe I'm gonna have a hickey!" "So what I want everyone to know your mine!" He said as he drove off. "What does that mean?" "What I said it means." "Are you trying to show Colby that you won me? I'm not some damn prize for fucks sake and I'm way over him you know that! he cheated on me and broke me and made me lose my child do you know how it feels to see him? I can't even look at him!" I felt tears falling down my face I wiped them away quickly not wanting pity. "Bub I'm sorry I didn't mean it." "Yeah whatever." I turned myself towards the window and texted Carmella what happened.

I woke up we were at a gas station, it was a pretty fancy one at that. Fergal came out with a bunch of roses and smiled at me. "I really am sorry I love you." He handed me the flowers before kissing me softly. "I overreacted I love you too." "No you didn't! I know it hurts you I just want to keep you." "I know." I kissed him a second time before placing the flowers in the backseat as he drove off, my ass was facing the windshield when I felt a hand sneeze my ass, pretty hard at that. "Fergal devitt!" "Sorry love." He giggled as I sat back down in my seat. "Where are we?" I looked around at the empty lands, "North Dakota isn't it beautiful?" "So gorgeous." I was breathless it was so calm and it went on for miles I officially loved it here.

We dropped our bags at the hotel before rushing to the arena. We were late as always Fergal wasn't a speeding kinda guy he always kept it under the speed limit which always made us late. We walked in hand and hand. The ring was being built but the backstage was ready, we got to the guys locker room quickly, I kissed Fergal and I was off to find myself some food. I grabbed everything that looked appetizing and sat down at an empty table. Bayley sat down in front of me smiling at her plate. "Hey bay." "Hey whats up? How are you and Finn wait oops you call him Fergal right?" I giggled and nodded she was so cute no wonder everyone was her fan. "We're pretty good." "Did he pop the question yet?" "I wish! We've been together almost two years I just wish he would already!" "I know I want a wedding to go to! I need to get me a man." "Please you can have anyone you wanted." She rolled her eyes and smirked when Fergal walked up. "Baby." He kissed my forehead softly before sitting next to me. "So what are you girls talking about?" "Weddings." "Ugh I'm out I'm not in to keeping yourself to one person your whole life." He got up and walked down the hallway towards Kevin Owens. I was in shock what did he just say? Why were we even together so long if I was just wasting my time I thought we would be married one day. "Hey hey hey come here." Bayley pulled me in to her arms before getting in to the girls locker room where Carmella was. "What's wrong love?" Bayley locked the door and told her what happened as sobs racked through me. Carmella hugged on to me as I slowly stopped crying. "I spent two years of my life with this man just to be told he will never get married! Isn't that a goal when you get in a relationship? At least that's what I thought!" "I'm sorry baby." I shook my head and walked out the door. "I'm at the hotel if he's looking for me." They nodded and I left.

I walked in to the lobby with my phone to my ear hoping he would answer. "Hello?" "Colby?" "Yeah what's wrong princess?" "I need to talk." "What hotel are you at?" "The Hilton." "I'll be right over." I hung up the phone and went to my room, I cleaned up my face taking all my makeup off and changed in to some kind of wrestling sweats. When I heard the knock at my door I shook what if it was Fergal? I looked out the tiny hole to see Colby. I whipped the door open before jumping in his arms just like I did when we were teenagers.

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