Andrew sat next to Jackson in the lunch room, who was not in a good mood at all. "So, how's the old man?" Andrew broke the silence. Jackson kept quiet. "Hey don't worry, I'm sure everythings going to be fine." Jackson turned to Andrew. "He's dying, Andrew, how is this going to be fine?!"
Jackson could have some anger issues, but Andrew puts up with it at times, mainly because he was the only one who really understood him. Silence once again took over their table and it stayed that way till the end of lunch.
The day went on and as Andrew ventured through the hallways and saw Clare. They would pass by with a temporary glace, and smile at each other. The past few days after meeting the other "Spirit Seekers", which is what they're calling each other now, they've all become pretty close.
Clare and Andrew would sometimes go to Starbucks to talk, and Gabe and Jennifer would meet them there too at times. Andrew and Clare headed to the coutyard after school as they always do, untill Andrew received a call from Jackson. He told Andrew to meet him at the hospital, and that it was an emergency.
Andrew apologized to Clare that he couldn't go with her to get coffee, and said that he had to meet a friend. He arrived at the hospital and ran to the room that Jacksons grandfather was in.
Jacksons whole family was there, squeezing in the tight room. Andrew saw before him, grandpa George, barely breathing. Jackson was tearing up along with everyone else. The docter was about to take him off life support.
Andrew never liked to witness someones death, usually when he's around someone who dies he can feel their pain being released. But he was here for his best friend. Once they took him off life support, his heart beat monitor went flat and thats when he felt the new born spirit.
Andrew felt extremely shakey, so badly that he had to hold on to the wall. Fear, nervousness, adrenaline, butterflies in your stomach times a hundred. All of his nerves spiked and overwhelming emotions took over him. Andrew can feel George's energy being released. His spirit joining the spirit realm.
George was standing next to his motionless, pale body, scanning the room to watch his loved ones mourn over his death. Andrew glanced slightly at him, and in Andrews time of seeing spirits that don't speak, he has learned how to lip read.
George was calling out to everyone in the room saying that he was there with them, asking if anyone could hear him. But they sadly ignored. Then he looked at Andrew, which quickly looked away, leaning against the wall.
Even with closed eyes Andrew could feel his gaze grow heavy on him and he had to look back. Somehow George knew Andrew could sense him, and when they linked eyes George mouthed one thing. "Tell them I love em'."
Then just like that, George disappeared. But he wasn't gone. The energy level died down and Andrew could finally stand and relax. Jackson took Andrew home after explaning when the funeral will be.
But Andrew couldn't think strait. His best friends grandfather, which was basically a father just died. Not to mention that was the first in a long time since he has witnessed someones death. Grandpa George was a great friend to Andrew as well, almost like an uncle.
That night all he could think of was the look on George's face and what he asked him to do. Andrew didn't know how to tell Jackson about his grandfather, but he felt he should do something. He decided to tell him after the funeral, tell him everything.

Seeing Through The Veil
Mystery / ThrillerLoved ones. Friends and family. Souls of despare, Lost in the depths, Waiting to be heard, And set free. What doth they do? Who do they call out to? The ones who do the impossible, The ones who see through the veil.