falling pieces

207 14 11

A/N: Officially on break and I'm so happy! All I can think about is sleeping and sleeping. I'm only off for 3 weeks, but I'll take it lol Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this next update! :)


Robert cracked one of his eyes open as he felt the bed dip. He saw that it was still dark outside, but he was glad she was home. For a moment, he thought he wouldn't see her till the morning, but he was glad to be wrong.

"You just got in?" He croaked out.

"Yeah, we left France a bit late," Victoria replied as she brushed her hair.

Robert was in Victoria's apartment, waiting for her. Michael made him a copy of her keys per Victoria's request. They would go to his place, but her place was least likely to have paparazzi around. They alternated staying over the other's place, but since Victoria was away for the day, Robert decided to wait for her at her apartment. She was supposed to be home for dinner and he was worried when she didn't come, but she texted him to inform him she wouldn't be back till late.

It felt absolutely odd waiting around for her, but he was glad she came home safe.

He sat up, wrapping an arm around her middle, letting her lean back against his side. He kissed the back of her neck causing a shiver to run through her. The effect he had on her was obnoxious, yet, so satisfying.

"I'm glad you're home," he told her.

"Me too," Victoria smiled. She felt him rest his chin on her shoulder, his warm breath hitting her neck. "How was training?"

"It's training," he shrugged. "Everything run smoothly?"

"As smooth as it can, Michael was almost shot, but I saved him on time." Victoria was doing more team assignments lately and she wasn't as opposed to it as much as before. Usually, it was her, Michael, and Daniel who went on missions together. She was used to them, and she knew they could handle themselves, she had nothing to worry about.

"Glad he's okay," Robert ran his hand up and down her side. "Did you eat dinner?"

"Of course, you know I don't skip meals."

Robert laughed knowing how much Victoria loved food. "No, you don't."

Victoria placed her brush on her nightstand. Robert's arm was still wrapped around her, which she always found to be such a comforting feeling. She wasn't sure if it was his presence or the fact that he was always warm that made her welcome his touch. Either way, she was definitely not complaining.

Briefly, she removed his arm off her so she can get on the bed. Once she was situated, she wrapped his arm around her once more and lied down beside Robert who was now on his back again.

"Thank you for waiting for me." Victoria wasn't even sure how Robert Lewandowski broke her down, but he did. She could just deny him for so long. And she hated to admit it, but she truly enjoyed his company. She did all those years ago and she still did now. Even with the danger that hung over their heads, she couldn't exactly push him away, at this point, she couldn't, no matter how hard she tried.

"Of course," his arm moved to her shoulders, pulling her closer to him, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Do you have work in the morning?"

"Unfortunately, I have to write a report." Victoria groaned.

Robert chuckled. "Can we grab breakfast before I drop you off at work?"

"You're dropping me off? It's your day off, sleep in, be a normal human being."


Once again, Robert chuckled. "Much rather spend some time with you, I missed you."

"Robert, I was gone for a couple of hours."

"It was much longer than a couple of hours. Come on, I know you missed me too." He teased.

"Yeah, I did, glad to come back home to you." Victoria truly meant that. For once during a mission, she was looking forward for it to end so she can go back to Germany and see Robert. She didn't look into it much though, she was certain that she just felt this way now cause it was new, but she still loved her job, nothing could change that.


"You're dating Robert Lewandowski?" Amelia placed the tabloid magazine on Victoria's desk, making the younger woman roll her eyes.

"Look, it's a new thing, we're testing out the waters." Victoria brushed it off, continuing to work on the report she had to do after finishing another assignment. She was leaving tomorrow to catch a flight to Ukraine, where the Champions League final would be held.

They started dating two weeks ago and here they were now, in the cover of a tabloid magazine. Paparazzi were a pain and she could technically handle them, but she had to pretend to be just a regular girlfriend. They were hounding her, trying to find anything on her, but it was the beauty of working for the government, your files were confidential and only the information you wanted could be seen by the public.

"I mean, I'm not judging, I'm impressed." Amelia applauded her with a sly smirk on her face.

"Mia, I'm working," Victoria did not want to have this conversation with Amelia. She loved her cousin dearly, but Amelia's been bugging her about putting herself out there and truly finding someone for her, hell Amelia has even tried pushing her to look for Robert or to contact him a few years back. Either way, she didn't need Mia pestering her about Robert.

"I always knew you would go back to him." Amelia sat on the chair in front of Victoria's desk, crossing her legs.

"Okay, let me correct you right there, I can't go back to a person I was never with."

"No matter how many times you deny it and you insist that those annual visits every year was nothing, that's a bunch of bullshit. I know what Theo did, he did the same thing to me." Amelia hated remembering Theo Kane, but at one point, she genuinely liked him, before he turned into a psychopath or she discovered he was a psychopath. "The fact he was trying to turn you into me, I honestly thought he couldn't stoop any lower, but he always managed to surprise me."

"Theo has nothing to do with this, he's dead." Victoria countered.

"That's not my point, he put the idea in your head that by being with Robert, it gives you a weakness. You're my cousin, I know you, I know how much this job means to you. It all meant the world to us at some point, but you have to build a world outside of it." Amelia advised. "You can't be stuck here forever."

"Not everyone can get a happily ever after like you and Adinda."

"Well, of course you can't cause you're not letting yourself have one."

"Hypothetically speaking, let's say I do entertain this idea of having a life outside of Maquina. What could I possibly do? I've devoted everything to Maquina and there's nothing else I want to do. This adrenaline rush I get from doing assignments, I crave for it, there's no way I would trade it in for a life of a WAG."

"Why do you speak so lowly of them?"

"I don't, there's nothing wrong with being a WAG, I think they're amazing, but at the end of the day, I don't want to just go to matches and support Robert. My ego wouldn't be able to take that."

egotistical needs [r. lewandowski]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora