Hailey's Chapter
Karlies P.O.V
I was laying on my fluffy bed staring at the ceiling. I hate him. But I miss him so much. My dad. I don't know how to feel about moving here. I mean, my mom's happy, Drew's nice, Piper's my best friend. But, I don't feel safe, all my friends are hundreds of miles away. I walk out of my front door and go sit in Drew's old tree house. Surely he won't mind. I sit there staring out the back window. Just thinking about Drew, My dad, the murders. 2 murders in 1 month by the same person. I hear someone climbing up the latter into the tree house I turn to see piper. "Hey." She says. "Hi." I respond. "What are you doing up here?" She asks. She fixes her sitting position to be more comfortable. "Just thinking." I say. "Well I have to tell you something." She says grabbing my hands and smiling. "I like Matt!" She says. "Oh, well Ida thought you liked Drew." I say. "Why would you think that?" She asks. "Because I like Drew. And Drew is nicer." I say. She grins si wide. "I knew it!" She yells. "Sshhhhhh." I say covering her mouth. "Sorry." She says. And then I feel what seems like rain coming through the windows all over me and piper. It was Drew and Matt spraying us with hoses. "Guys stop!" Piper yells. But they continue to drench us. "Come on Karlie." Piper says taking my hand and pointing towards the door of the tree house. She gets down first and I follow. The boys are already there spraying us. "Go to my house!" I tell piper. She runs to my back yard and I'm right behind her. I lock the fence to the backyard right on time. the fence is a privacy fence that's at least 7 ft high. They climb over it quickly. Oh my god, we are stuck. "Piper they are climbing the fence!" I yell to her.Drew's P.O.V
We climb the fence. Why didn't they go inside? I mean I can climb a fence but I can't spray water in my neighborhors house without getting in trouble. They could've been safe! They are asking for trouble. When I get over the fence, they are standing there with there hands up. "We surrender, ok?" Piper says. The next thing I know, I see Matt run and push both of them in the pool. "Karlie can't swim!" I say. I jump in after hurt, and as i expected she's sinking to the bottom of the 10ft pool. I lift her by her waist and swim to the top, where Piper already floats. I hear Karlie cough water next to my ear. She is hanging onto me so tight. She's so afraid of drowning. I'm gonna hit Matt in the face. "Awwwe look at you two." He says chuckling about me holding onto Karlie. I send him a glare and take her to the side of the pool and lift her out. Piper takes her inside. "What was that?" I say to Matt after the girls leave. "I didn't know she couldn't swim, and you should be thanking me. I did you a solid. You look like a hero." He says. I ignore his ignorant words and walk towards karlies front door. The screen door is closed but the door is open and a soaked Karlie is laying on the carpet floor. "You can come in." She says. I open the screen door and walk in. "Thank you..for saving me." She says. "It was no problem." I say. "I'm gonna go home and leave you to it." I say standing. "Wait-" she says. I turn to face her. "Can I have a hug?" She asks. "Yes!" I said in my head. But I realized that 'yes!' may creep her out. "Sure." I say out loud holding my arms out for her. She walks into them. I love short girls. She's so cold though. After the hug and before I exit, I say "Now go get warm." And she smiles. I walk out onto the porch and feel the warm sun. I look at our street and see a car with a man in it. He has black hair and sunglasses. And hes staring directly at me. I pretend to not notice him and walk to my house. I have to keep a close eye on that guy out there. I walk in and see Piper and Matt kissing. "Umm-im just gonna go up stairs..." I say as I walk up the steps. "Hey wait, I have to tell you something." Piper says standing and walking towards me. She follows me up the stairs and into my room. As soon as my door shuts she starts talking. "Karlie likes you." She says grinning. "Oh how do you know?" I say. "She told me so." She responds like a child. "Well I like her too." I say. "You do! I knew it!" She says. "How'd you know?" I ask. "Well for 1, you are a cute couple, and that heroic moment you pulled a little bit ago. That was gold." She says. "And what about you and Matt?" I say raising an eyebrow. "I mean,- I'm not sure." She says. By that time I had completely forgot about the man sitting outside of my house. "Hey Matt!" I yell down the steps. "You wanna walk piper home?!" I yell again. "Sure." He says. Piper gives me a weird look. I show her the van outside and she emediatly understands. Something is gonna happen tonight.

The Mystery Of SpringBridge Heights (Complete)
Mystery / ThrillerWelcome to SpringBridge Heights, a small town that houses a little over 300 people. A 15 year old girl named Karlie moves into SpringBridge with her mother who is about to get remarried after 4 years. Karlies mom is getting married to a guy named Jo...