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Taehyung's point of view

This was insane!

24 hours and he had already asked Jungkook on a date. Anyone that saw Taehyung walking home would've seen the glowing redness of his cheeks and the jittery jump in the way he walked. It was both incredibly thrilling to know that Jungkook had said yes to the picnic and unbearably embarrassing that he had not only asked him whilst wearing his pyjamas, but that his mother had been present for the whole thing.

"I can't believe you made me do that..." muttered Taehyung into his sleeve covered palms, spinning around to walk backwards and peek over his fingers so that he could watch Daehyun trail behind him carrying the bags of shopping.

"He accepted didn't he?"

"Yeah, out of sympathy..." Daehyun scoffed.

"I'm sure it was more than sympathy. But, you said mother was there? That's so strange." That was the same confusion Taehyung had as he thought about the whole interaction. Why the hell was Venus speaking with Jungkook alone? Why had she been so desperate to get him to leave? There were so many questions that had surfaced over the time they had been walking.

"I don't know why. What business would she have talking with Jungkook without me?"

"If you spent your time questioning why the gods do anything you'd end up at the end of your mortal life in a flash."

"Mm it drives me mad." The two made their way down the street, stopping outside the small grey house that was now homed to both of them since Daehyun had promised to stay by Taehyung's side until they had successfully gotten Jungkook back. Taehyung unlocked the door and pushed inside whilst Daehyun dropped all the shopping to the table top before walking to the couch and falling face first into it.

"Why couldn't you carry any? That shopping was heavy!" whined the cheapskate guardian, sounding like a literal child.

"Because you insisted on buying it all. Why should I carry it?"

"Cause it's nice..."

"Yeah well, next time don't buy candles you creep." He pouted, eyes glinting with a desire to play mischief. "Shut it. I'm going to go get dressed..." snapped Taehyung, sending a glare in his brother's direction before walking down the hall to his room. As he approached he slipped his pyjama shirt off and unlocked the door, opening it hastily and stepping inside.

At first, Taehyung felt a weird feeling. But brushed it off, walking over to his cupboard to see what kind of outfit he'd find. Hoping it was something that could cover up his wrists.

Though when he opened his wardrobe with the expectation of finding clothes, a shuddering scream ran through him when he saw something entirely different. Jumping back about a metre he grabbed the closest thing to him and swung it at the person that had been hiding in the closet. The lamp was snatched from his grasp with a surprising strength, and Taehyung was left to stare with a dumbfounded gape at the realisation of who was in his room.

"Jungkook?!" The said man smiled with an awkward shift from within the cramped space, his eyes dropping to the bare chest of the blonde boy in front of him. "What the hell are you doing here?!" Shrieked Taehyung with a high pitched mortification, hastily trying to cover his chest with a blanket from his bed. That snapped Jungkook back to his senses and he turned away, coughing into his hands and trying to brush away the deep red blush painting his cheeks.

"I'm not sure." He admitted whilst attempting to climb out of the wardrobe he'd squished himself into in a panic. With the lamp fallen to the floor he tripped over the cord and face planted into the carpet. The act led to a groan coming from his mouth. Carefully he lifted himself onto his knees so he could look up at the pretty blonde standing above him. Despite his raging thoughts he flashed an innocent grin, eyes raking over every inch of honey skin he could see that hadn't been covered by the blanket. "This looks suggestive." He uttered with a broadening grin, resting back on his haunches and locking his gaze on Taehyung's glowing cheeks.

"Ew, you're still a pervert."

"What, you thought that'd change?" Taehyung shrugged, looking around for his rejected pyjama shirt in hopes that he could hide the expanse of skin now being scrutinised by the one sitting at his feet.

"May I ask how you got from the cafe to my closet in ten minutes? And why." The sigh Jungkook let out was less than reassuring, lip pulling between his teeth as a storm of thoughts swirled around his hazy mind. He wondered if he should tell Taehyung what had occurred, still struggling with the effects on his body.

"Your mother was messing around with me." He settled on for an answer, scratching at the corner of his eyes in an effort to avoid any eye contact.

"What do you mean?"

"She took me somewhere and did weird stuff to my head. Said she was testing stuff... I... well she didn't bring me here, someone else did."

"Someone else?" Taehyung asked, raising question as to who would bring the raven to his house.

"In all honesty, I had no idea you lived here. It's pretty, I'll say that. I would've left, but the door was locked." He was avoiding the question.

"Jungkook. Who brought you here?"

"Doesn't matter." Taehyung's jaw clenched at the stubborn words. He desperately wanted to push and know more about what Venus wanted with him. It was so out of character for her to interfere with mortals, she'd already done so once by saving Jungkook's life. What was she doing taking him away and messing with him? Despite his own need to know, Taehyung decided to veer away from the topic, realising the dodging of an answer was because Jungkook was severely uncomfortable with the topic.


"So..." he tried to shift things, unsure what to do about the man in his bedroom. Did he kick him out? Or start conversation?

"I'll gladly come to the picnic, Tae." perked up the raven with a sudden bright smile. That genuine smile was here, and finally it was for him. The sight of his happiness could bring Taehyung to his knees, swooning over how intoxicating it felt to have his love in his room, smiling up at him. "It sounds really nice. So yeah, I'll come. Just... in case you had doubts." Added Jungkook when he didn't get an answer from the other.

"Won't Sooyoung find it strange?" replied Taehyung nervously, lip tugging inward at the thought of ruining yet another person's life with his selfish choices.

"It will be fine. I'll talk to her later about it." It will be fine? To Taehyung it was more than fine, it was ecstacy. Because Jungkook wanted him, was prioritising him. What kind if sick joke was this that time seemed to rapidly shift everything? It was hard for Taehyung to breathe as he watched Jungkook push himself to his feet and cross his arms over his chest. Underneath his well worn uniform was his soft warm skin that Taehyung had dearly missed. "I'll... Get out of your house now..." the decision tore Taehyung from his spiralling thoughts, eyes snapping up to watch the suddenly bashful younger man nervously point to the door and begin heading toward it.

Before he could open it and leave a hand had shoved it shut, pushing against his back only for him to be twisted around and pressed to the door. Jungkook's bright hazel eyes shot up to stare at the determined gaze of the blonde boy now pinning him to the exit, every crevice of his body pressed against the others. It was Taehyung's bare chest against Jungkook's clothed, and yet Jungkook had never felt more vulnerable. With the way Taehyung's firm hands were holding his biceps and keeping him immobilised, he felt ready to give up everything to this boy who occupied his every waking thought.

Their breathing began to shift into an ebb and flow of eachother's rhythm, syncing to the thrashing of their hearts that could be felt. There was barely a gap between them, and Jungkook's eyes flickered down to stare at the blonde's lips that were so incredibly close. If he just moved forward a little more... "I thought you were the innocent one..." breathed Jungkook with an airy gasp, unsure of how to react to the situation.

The last time they had been locked in this position, Taehyung had torn him to pieces. But now that Jungkook knew the truth about Daehyun and the separation of the two, he had the urge to let the real boy prove himself.

"Hmmm, sometimes."


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