Chapter Request

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Request from : iamcydneychristine

What is the purpose for this chapter:
I'm going to dedicate certain chapters like so to people who request one.


Cydney, we had our fair share of not so fun moments. I admit that. But, we managed to work out a mutual agreement & now look at us. We became friends! So delightful. I came to realize that you aren't as bad as some people may have said. I know now that you can't trust everyone and what comes out of their filthy mouths.

I think you're a fun, entertaining & likeable character & I'm pleased that we are giving this whole 'friendship' thing a run for it's money (no puns).

Now, I'm going to cut this short because it's getting a bit too sappy.


Admin note: If anyone else wants a chapter, just tell me in the comments!

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