Justin's POV:
"I'm so happy to be home. The tour was amazing but, gosh do I miss just relaxing." I say kicking up my feet on the brown coffee table.
"Justin. Feet off the table. What do I have to tell you?" mom says as she pushes my feet off the table. "You like relaxing, I understand. Go outside though, see friends. We have a new neighbor. Go introduce yourself, Justin." she says handing me my house keys.
Sighing as I reluctantly stand up and walk out the door. "Great, what neighbor." I say sighing to myself. "The one of the right, Justin." I turn my head to see Jaden one my closest friends walking outside behind me.
"Let's go say hi to the neighbor." he says walking past me trying his best to pull up his pants. ' I wonder if there is going to be a basketball team playing tonight on tv that I like. ' I think to myself as we walk towards the house.
Chrissy's POV:
"I finished another box, mom, Now can I go on a walk?" I tell my mother as I walk outside my room putting an empty box on top of the others I've already finished.
"Sure, sweetie. Go ahead. We'll be having pizza tonight. Be back before dark." she says kissing me on my forehead. "Dark, funny you say that.." I whisper to myself. Dark is one of my favorite fan fictions about Justin Bieber. I really don't like him personally but his music's nice. I just find the fan fic quite interesting. I grab my jacket, and put on my shoes when I hear the doorbell go off.
"Chrissy get that please!" I hear my mother yelling from the back of the house. I swear at this rate, I'll never be able to leave the house.
I open the door and find Jaden yes that's right. THE JADEN SMITH on my front porch.
"Who is it?" I hear my mom say as she walks up beside me. "OH. Uh, well hello." she says with that shocked tone in her voice.
"Okay, well since you got the door, I'm going on my walk." I say trying to hide the shock in my tone and slowly start making my way out the door. "It was nice to meet you guys." I tell Jaden and some guy who has his back to me. Well his butt looks familiar but, I can't quite put my finger on it.
"Well that's a weird way to put it" I whisper to myself as I try to get a look at his face, I accidentally trip over the steps.
"Oh my. Chrissy. Are you okay?" I hear my mom say as she runs down to me. Ugh, perfect. Wonderful way to meet my neighbors is tripping like a moron.
I sigh and turn around on my back and find not my mother but Justin Bieber holding out a hand towards me. "Whoa. You're. Am I dead or like unconscious or like something?" I say looking around.
As he starts laughing he leans down and grabs my hands to help me up. Wow his hands are warm I thought to myself. Standing up straight I look up into his eyes. We just stay starring into each others eyes as I being stupid break the silence.
"Um, thanks, for yeah helping me up." I say motioning towards the ground, with my head. I peak behind Justin to see my mom trying hard not to laugh, before she runs into the house. Great, mom. Thanks.
"No problem. Are you okay?" Jaden says slowly pulling Justins hands away from mine. I wonder what's up with him. Oh yeah, Selena. (Selena and Justin are dating still in this story) I step back a bit and try to get the leaves out of my hair.
"Here let me help." Jaden says walking behind me and trying to get the leaves out. "Um, thanks. My name's Chrissy." I tell both the boys looking down so they don't see me blushing.
"No problem. My name's Jaden, and that is--" before he can finish he gets interrupted. "And I'm Justin Bieber whom can introduce himself, bro." he says lightly punching Jaden's arm causing him to pull on my hair. "Hey now, no fighting while hands are near my hair, boys." I say while trying to get the rest of the leaves out.
They both sigh and fake a smile as they just wave. Huh I wonder what that's all about. "Okay. Nice to meet you both too!" I yell at them as they start walking about.
Yes, now I can go skateboarding and look around. Grabbing my board I turn around and see Jaden starring at me in his yard. He nudges Justin causing him to look up at me, and us meeting eye contact, again. God, you know up close he is pretty damn sexy. What am I saying though, he has a girlfriend.
I get on my board and kick off slowly just as I hear someone shouting my name. Awesome. Who is it now, jesus. I turn around and see Justin peaking around the corner.
"You know if you're trying to be a stalker, I advise you to not start off with yelling the persons name before they have a chance to put their headphones in." I say laughing a bit. He starts walking around the corner. Wow, even the way he walks is sexy. What am I thinking. Stop it. God lee.
"Sorry, I was wondering if I could join you? If you don't mind." he says looking at me with his perfect smile. What the, his lips are perfect. No no, what am I thinking.
"Chrissy? You okay?" snapping me out of my thoughts I look into his eyes. "Oh sorry, yeah. Sure. Just, before you plan on kidnapping me and putting me in your van let me eat first."
We both start laughing as I put my skateboard back into my yard and walk on the sidewalk with Justin.
If you told me last week when I was moving my neighbor would be Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith, I'd laugh and call you crazy. Now look. This should be interesting.