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The Guild Hall

Natsu's POV

Ever since Lucy left, the guild has just felt so empty. Like it's had a huge piece  of it ripped away.

"Natsu..." Happy tapped my shoulder. I turned to him and gave him the best fake smile I could afford. "Yeah Happy, what's up?" His bottom lip quivered. "I miss Lucy." Damn, he hit the nail on the head. I blinked away the tears threatening to spill. When did I become such a suck up? "Yeah me too pal." Happy gave a small smile as we continued to eat fish in silence.

Grey walked over to me. "Hey flame brain?" I wasn't in the mood for a witty comeback so I just answered him. "Yeah Grey..." He looked at me a bit pained by my reaction. "You know, there's a job over there that pays well and it's really easy." I felt a knot form in my throat. "No thanks." I said quietly. Grey banged his fist on the table. I looked up at him emotionless. "What the hell man?!" I stood up and walked past him, shrugging. "It's just...not the same." I said looking out the window as rain settled in. Perfect for my mood.

Happy hugged on to my leg. "Natsu?" I looked down at him with a temporary excuse of a smile. "Yeah Happy?" Happy shook with tears. "Do you think- Lucy is ever coming back?" I slammed my fist on the table behind me. "Lucy is coming back Happy! I promise you she is!" Happy dripped with tears. "But Natsu. It's been a year! What if something's happened to her!" I bit my lower lip. "Until I know she isn't coming back...I'll keep saving that seat for her." I pointed towards the seat she used to sit in, beside me laughing together.


"Natsu!" Lucy giggled. I shrugged. "Well it's true!" She gave me a light shove as she continued giggling as if there was nobody around. That's something I've always admired in her, is how carefree she is. She acts as if nobody is watching her and gives no frilly fucks to the world. I smiled at the blonde rubbing her shoulder against mine, laughing away.

"Do you remember that one time, that one time when-" She paused to get out her laughs. "When I accidentally laid on you when you were in my bed." She giggled undeniably as I laughed along. "Yeah and you were heavy!" She smacked my arm laughing with me as I made my stupid comments here and there.

So many great memories, could she really just let them go?

End Of Flashback•.•

I looked over to the entrance where I had last spoken to her, before she left me. She's coming back, I know it.

The guild watched me intently as I played with my hair, bored out of my mind. Ezra walked over to me and retired her hand on my shoulder. "Hey...you know s-class trials are coming up?" I nodded as she smiled. "I can't wait! You'll probably be picked so...maybe you'd want to train later?" I nodded. "Maybe..." She smiled softly and took the hint. She walked off shrugging her way over to the guild bar.

Everything seems out of order. It feels like there's a huge contraption and a small part of it is missing, without that small piece the contraption can't function properly. I shook the thoughts away, I feel so lonely.

I twirled the straw in my drink, making the ice-cubes go crazy. "One day." I mumbled under my breath.

"Natsu!" Romeo came storming in the guild. My attention shot to his. Hope circled in my eyes, could it be? The hope vanished once I saw tears flow down Romeo's cheeks. I walked over to him slowly, and kneeled on one knee in front of him. "What's the matter Romeo." He looked up at me with tears still freshly falling down his cheeks, it reminded me of how Lucy was right before she left. "Lucy, they checked she isn't at the cabin where she was supposed to be training all this time! Natsu I think-"

Before Romeo could finish I was already headed out the door. This can't be happening, if Lucy gets hurt...I may never forgive myself. That's a vow to myself, if Lucy dies I want to be buried next to her, dead or alive.

I raced towards the cabin, when I got there, it was so quiet and peaceful. Like the calm before the storm. I searched for any cause of her being here earlier. My eyes landed on a pink scarf that was half buried in the snow.
"Lucy!" I shouted to hopefully give her a signal flare I was around. No response. Dammit! My teeth chattered as snow soon turned into a blizzard. Dammit Luce, where are you?


Welp! That's chapter two! I have no life confirmed sorry XD

Happy: you really don't...

Happy! Hush I do too- ehh sorta

Anyway! I hope y'all liked it! Don't forget to vote, comment and that other shit!

(I made this earlier today on my bus lol might as well publish it :/)

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